Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #63 December 2024
Welcome to our December 2024 newsletter. This month we feature new articles by Sarah Barker, Tom Cummings, and Norma Wong.  We also highlight John Danvers' podcast Dharma Roads and a conversation between Winton Higgins and Mike Slott on Mike's new book, Mindful Solidarity.

A conversation between Mike Slott and Winton Higgins on ‘Mindful Solidarity’
In a book launch event sponsored by the Secular Buddhist Network and Tuwhiri, a secular Buddhist publishing imprint, Mike Slott and Winton Higgins discussed Mike's new book, Mindful Solidarity: A Secular Buddhist Democratic Socialist Dialogue.

Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #62 November 2024
Welcome to our November 2024 newsletter. This month we feature new articles by Amy Balentine, Dr. Cathryn Jacob, Ramsey Margolis, and Jochen Weber. We also highlight a book launch event to discuss Mindful Solidarity, which integrates a secular Buddhist perspective with radical political activism. 

How you can get Tuwhiri books at a discount
Tuwhiri, a secular Buddhist imprint, offers a range of discounts on books bought in their online store, including one for SBN newsletter subscribers that runs until 31 December 2024

Mindful Solidarity book launch event
Mike Slott will be in conversation with Winton Higgins, the Australian secular Buddhist and author of Revamp: writings on secular Buddhism, to launch Mike's book Mindful Solidarity: A Secular Buddhist Democratic Socialist Dialogue

Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #61 October 2024
Welcome to our October 2024 newsletter. This month we feature new articles by Jourdan Arensen, Nelly Kaufer, Ramsey Margolis, and Linda Modaro. We also highlight a new book on mindful solidarity, the merger of two secular Buddhist groups, and a one day, online seminar on secular dharma offered by Bodhi College.

Reading groups
The Secular Buddhist Network sponsors two reading groups, and recommends those organized by Tuwhiri, a publishing imprint for secular Buddhist books. The reading groups explore books, articles, videos and podcast selections on topics related to secular Buddhism.

Tuwhiri: a secular Buddhist publishing imprint
Now with a presence in New York, Wellington and Sydney, Tuwhiri publishes books on early Buddhism, its retrieval, and a secular adaptation to 21st century conditions, as well as making available thought-provoking books that are not obviously dharma books but which serve the ethic of care that is central to the dharma

Ted Meissner’s Secular Buddhist Podcast
Over fifteen years and 337 episodes, Ted Meissner's Secular Buddhist podcast provided those interested in the secular dharma or a naturalistic approach to Buddhism with fascinating and insightful interviews with meditation teachers and writers.

‘In the coming months, I expect the police at my door. I’m terrified.’
Ramsey Margolis highlights the courageous stance of Thai human rights activist Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal, whose publishing company is bringing out a Thai translation of Winton Higgins' book on secular Buddhism, Revamp

SBN Book Reviews
On this page you'll find the book reviews posted on the website and listed chronologically, from most recent to the oldest.

Two study opportunities for secular Buddhists
Tuwhiri, a publishing imprint which publishes books on early Buddhism and secular dharma, is sponsoring reading groups this year for two of its publications: Revamp and What is this?

Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #55 April 2024
Welcome to our April 2024 newsletter. This month we feature new articles by Stefano La Fontana and John Peacock. We also highlight a secular dharma meditation retreat and an interview with a prominent advocate of mindfulness and compassion in society. Finally, we ask for help in redesigning our newsletter banner.

Secular Dharma and Ethical Living Retreat
Stephen Batchelor, Winton Higgins, and Lenorë Lambert led a residential study retreat on Secular Dharma and Ethical Living in December 2023. Their secular dharma approach focused on the ethical perspectives and practices needed to engage with the various interconnected crises our world faces in the twenty-first century.

An interview with Seth Segall on his new book, The House We Live In
SBN interviewed Seth Zuihō Segall about his new book, The House We Live in: Virtue, Wisdom, and Pluralism. In this book Seth offers a theory of ethics and flourishing based on Aristotle, Buddha, and Confucius.