A conversation between Stephen Batchelor and Bhikkhu Santi

May 1, 2024

On 21 April 2024, Stephen Batchelor and Bhikkhu Santi discussed a secular approach to the dharma at Yale University in the U.S. Their conversation included Buddha, Socrates and Us: Notes for an Ethics of Uncertainty (Stephen’s forthcoming book from Yale University Press); meanings of monasticism from and for science-informed, politics-alert viewpoints; writing and the creative life; and the import of ancient wisdom for our contemporary moment.

The event was co-sponsored by The Franke Program in Science and the Humanities, The Poynter Fellowship in Journalism, the Secular Buddhist Network, Tricycle: the Buddhist Review, The Good Life Center at Yale, the Yale University Chaplain’s Office, and the Yale Buddhist Student Community.

A video of the conversation is below.



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