Dr. Cathryn Jacob

ELSA Recovery: Recovery from addiction within a secular dharma framework (Part 2)
Dr. Cathryn Jacob discusses a new approach to addiction recovery rooted in the key concepts of secular dharma, with explicit reference to the 32 virtues and attitudes found in Stephen Batchelor's cartography of care.
ELSA Recovery: Recovery from addiction within a secular dharma framework
Cathryn Jacob announces the creation of ELSA Recovery, a community in which Stephen Batchelor's secular dharma teachings are blended with practical applications aimed at recovery from addiction.
The Secular Buddhist Recovery Facebook Group
The Secular Buddhist Recovery Group on Facebook is a sangha of individuals who wish to learn, help and support each other in recovery from alcohol, drugs and other addictions using the practices and teachings of a nonsectarian approach to the Dharma. The group is for those who seek or are in recovery from addictions and for those with an interest in addiction recovery using a secular Dharma perspective.