Mike Slott

Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #64 January 2025
Welcome to our January 2025 newsletter. This month we feature a new article by Jochen Weber and highlight the following: an update on the SBA-SBN merger, Ted Meissner's 2017 interview with Stephen Batchelor on the The Secular Buddhist podcast, upcoming SBN community meetings on our response to the election of Trump, and the passing of American Soto Zen priest and engaged Buddhist, Hozan Alan Senauke.
No Justice, No Peace (or Human Flourishing)
In response to Thanissaro Bhikhhu's claim that the end of suffering for each individual is more important than justice, Mike Slott argues that reducing suffering and the achievement of social justice are equally necessary and complementary processes.
A review of David McMahan’s new book, ‘Rethinking Meditation’
In his review of David McMahan's Rethinking Meditation, Mike Slott argues that McMahan's insightful analysis of meditation misses one key factor: the impact of neo-liberal capitalism on contemporary meditative practices.
Rethinking not-self: a critical review of Jay Garfield’s ‘Losing Ourselves’
As part of a critical review of Jay Garfield's 2022 book, Losing Ourselves, Mike Slott offers a different perspective on not-self, one that shifts the discussion from an epistemological and ontological analysis to an ethically-informed exploration of the existential, psychological, and social causes of various forms of ‘selfing’.
What is human flourishing?
Mike Slott offers an account of human flourishing which incorporates Buddhist insights, Marx’s view of human nature, and Martha Nussbaum’s capabilities approach. To flourish, we need to cultivate mindfulness and compassion while creating a society which provides the resources and support for human flourishing for all.
The path of the bodhisattva or ‘making the road’ through solidarity?
Mike Slott offers an alternative model to the path of the Bodhisattva, one based on the solidarity of practitioners 'co-creating' the transformative changes that we seek.
How Buddhist insights and values can help sustain political activism
Mike Slott explores the ways in which Buddhist insights and values can enable political activists to sustain their activity in various movements and to make a positive contribution to the organizations in which they participate.
The core life tasks and beliefs for a radically engaged Buddhist
Mike Slott, Katya de Kadt, and Karsten Struhl offer an account of the core tasks and beliefs for radically engaged Buddhists who seek not just individual transformation but the dismantling of social, economic, and political systems which cause harm and suffering to all beings.
What kind of Buddhist are you?
Mike Slott offers a 'map' of contemporary Buddhism to represent the multiplicity of approaches available to practitioners. The map can used by practitioners to understand how their own interests, values, and attitudes connect with the dharma.
Rejoinder to Winton Higgins on ‘Reexamining “truths” and “tasks” in secular Buddhism’
Responding to Winton Higgins' criticism of his view of the relationship of tasks and truths in secular Buddhism, Mike Slott argues that in rejecting metaphysical truths as the basis of Buddhism, we don’t need to reject entirely the notion of truth as correspondence. The beliefs of secular Buddhists are provisional and conditional truth claims about our lived experience and the universe in which we are inextricably embedded.
Reexamining ‘truths’ and ‘tasks’ in secular Buddhism
While Stephen Batchelor's emphasis on the pragmatic and ethical meaning of the Buddha’s teachings has been crucial in the development of a secular approach to the dharma, Mike Slott argues that Stephen has not adequately addressed a legitimate concern about the role and meaning of truth in his approach. The secular dharmic path challenges us to assess constantly both our ‘tasks’ and the ‘truths’ on which they are based.
Debates and Dialogues on Secular Buddhism
SBN has hosted several important debates about the meaning and role of secular Buddhism in our contemporary society.
A missed opportunity: a review of ‘Secularizing Buddhism’
A new collection of essays, 'Secularizing Buddhism: new perspectives on a dynamic tradition', unfortunately represents a missed opportunity to explore the emergence of secular Buddhism, to critically examine its assumptions, and to provide us with an accurate snapshot of the diverse views and practices of secular Buddhists.
Avoiding the conceit of superiority: a cautionary note for secular Buddhists
To avoid the superiority conceit pervasive in debates within Buddhism, secular Buddhists need to recognize two key points: 1) our approach to the Buddha's teachings is only one of many legitimate approaches and 2) Buddhism, whether, in a secular or traditional form, does not provide us with all the answers to the key challenges that we face today.
What Bhikkhu Analayo got wrong: a review of ‘Superiority Conceit in Buddhist Traditions’
While the overall purpose of Bhikkhu Analayo’s new book, Superiority Conceit in Buddhist Traditions: A Historical Perspective , is well-intended, his treatment of superiority conceit in Buddhist traditions fails to identify the root cause of this problem in Buddhism. He also mischaracterizes the writings of Stephen Batchelor and ignores the ideas and practices of contemporary secular Buddhists.