SBN Editor

Noah Rasheta’s Secular Buddhism Podcast
Noah Rasheta's Secular Buddhism Podcast focuses on presenting teachings from Buddhist philosophy coupled with modern psychology and neuroscience. Each episode highlights a unique topic, exploring ways to integrate such wisdom into our daily routines.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #37 October 2022
Welcome to our October 2022 newsletter. This month we highlight new articles by Carmel Shalev and Arnie Kozak, a dialogue on secular dharma, a practitioner's account of his journey to secular Buddhism, and an upcoming workshop led by Stephen Batchelor on Mindfulness Based Human Flourishing.
A dialogue on secular dharma
At an online program on Perspectives on Secular Dharma, Stephen Batchelor, Seth Zuihō Segall, Karsten Struhl, and Mike Slott engaged in a wide-ranging dialogue on key topics related to a secular approach to the dharma.
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Ira
As a journalist, Ira met some of Buddhism's most important teachers and became interested in the dharma. As an agnostic, he finds a secular approach particularly valuable because there is less emphasis on beliefs and more on what contributes to wellbeing in this life.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #36 September 2022
Welcome to our September 2022 newsletter. This month we highlight new articles by Carmel Shalev, Stefano Ventura, and Hugh Palmer, a practitioner's account of her journey to secular Buddhism, and an upcoming online program featuring Stephen Batchelor and several others discussing different perspectives on secular dharma.
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Kate
Kate's interest in Buddhism began when she was a college student and developed further while she was a Peace Corps volunteer and program manager. Over time, she became increasingly skeptical of the adherence to hierarchy and rituals in many Buddhist traditions and moved toward a secular approach to the dharma, one which does not lean on enlightenment as a goal, but fosters a practice that is ethical, practical, compassionate and forward looking.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #35 August 2022
Welcome to our August 2022 newsletter. This month we highlight an interview with Stephen Batchelor on secular dharma, an article highlighting various perspectives on the core elements of secular Buddhism, a practitioner's account of her journey to secular Buddhism, and an article by Seth Zuihō Segall on the relevance of John Dewey's pragmatic philosophy for developing a theory and practice of human flourishing. 
An interview with Stephen Batchelor on secular dharma
In a recent interview Stephen Batchelor discussed the historical antecedents and development of secular Buddhism, the divergent 'core logics' of traditional and secular Buddhism, and the need to create a new Mindfulness Based Human Flourishing program.
What are the core elements of a secular approach to the dharma?
At a recent online meeting of leaders and facilitators of secular Buddhist groups, organizations, and sanghas, various perspectives were offered on the best way to define or describe a secular approach to the dharma.
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Katya
Katya grew up in a culturally Jewish, Leftist family in New York City and became involved with a Buddhist sangha in 2001. When her sangha refused to engage politically around issues of racism after the murder of George Floyd, she connected with the Secular Buddhist Network and has become an active participant.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #34 July 2022
Welcome to our July 2022 newsletter. This month we highlight a new article by Rick Heller, the opening of registrations for SBN's online course on secular Buddhism, and a practitioner's account of his journey to secular Buddhism. We also feature  an online workshop on dependent arising that was offered 13 June by two Bodhi College faculty and a Bodhi College event to memorialize Gary Born, a Trustee of the college and participant in SBN's monthly discussion group, who recently passed away.
Understanding dependent arising
Bodhi College cofounders Christina Feldman and Akincano Weber discussed key aspects of dependent arising, a core notion of Buddhism, in a virtual workshop offered 13 June. The workshop was co-sponsored by Bodhi College and Tricycle magazine.
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Tim
Tim grew up in a Christian household, but found a disconnect between his church's teachings and how church members lived their lives. He was introduced to Buddhism over 20 years ago and learned about secular Buddhism in the course of his explorations. Colette Descent edited the interview for SBN.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #33 June 2022
Welcome to our June 2022 newsletter. This month we highlight a dharma talk by Winton Higgins, articles by Brad Park and Mike Slott, and an interview with a practitioner on his journey to secular Buddhism.
Our diverse paths to secular Buddhism
Each month, we highlight the path that brought an individual to explore and then fully engage in a secular approach to the dharma.