Podcasts and Talks

John Danvers’ Dharma Roads Podcast
Since 2022, John Danvers' podcast Dharma Roads has explored in 32 episodes the wisdom and meditation methods of Zen, Buddhism and other sceptical philosophers, writers and poets.
Ted Meissner’s Secular Buddhist Podcast
Over fifteen years and 337 episodes, Ted Meissner's Secular Buddhist podcast provided those interested in the secular dharma or a naturalistic approach to Buddhism with fascinating and insightful interviews with meditation teachers and writers.
A conversation between Stephen Batchelor and Bhikkhu Santi
On 21 April 2024, Stephen Batchelor and Bhikkhu Santi discussed Stephen's forthcoming book, Buddha, Socrates and Us, the meanings of monasticism, and the import of ancient wisdom for our contemporary moment.
Secular Dharma and Ethical Living Retreat
Stephen Batchelor, Winton Higgins, and Lenorë Lambert led a residential study retreat on Secular Dharma and Ethical Living in December 2023. Their secular dharma approach focused on the ethical perspectives and practices needed to engage with the various interconnected crises our world faces in the twenty-first century.
Navigating the Artificial Intelligence explosion with Buddhist wisdom
The Buddhist Insight Network sponsored a presentation on ‘Navigating the Artificial Intelligence Explosion with Buddhist Wisdom’ by Randy Fernando.
SBN Interviews
Since the SBN website went public in October 2019, we've conducted interviews with a number of meditation teachers and writers on issues related to secular Buddhism.
Stephen Batchelor: dharma talks and interviews
Stephen Batchelor is the most prominent proponent of secular Buddhism. Beginning with his book Buddhism Without Beliefs , Stephen has played a crucial role in the development of a secular dharma relevant to our contemporary society.
An interview with Dave Smith on his 2024 MBEL program
In a 10 July interview with SBN, Dave Smith, an insight meditation and secular mindfulness teacher, discussed his new program on Mindfulness Based Ethical Living (MBEL), which will begin January 2024.
An interview with Stephen Batchelor on Mindfulness Based Ethical Living
On 22 February 2023, Stephen Batchelor was interviewed by Ayda Duroux, Saskia Graf, and Jochen Weber from Buddha-Stiftung, and Mike Slott from the Secular Buddhist Network. Stephen discussed the key aspects of a new practical and ethical philosophy, Mindfulness Based Ethical Living (MBEL).
An interview with Nelly Kaufer and Linda Modaro on Reflective Meditation
In an interview with SBN, Nelly Kaufer and Linda Modaro discussed dharma teaching, their reflective meditation approach, and their new book, Reflective Meditation: Cultivating Kindness and Curiosity in the Buddha's Company.
Noah Rasheta’s Secular Buddhism Podcast
Noah Rasheta's Secular Buddhism Podcast focuses on presenting teachings from Buddhist philosophy coupled with modern psychology and neuroscience. Each episode highlights a unique topic, exploring ways to integrate such wisdom into our daily routines.
An interview with Stephen Batchelor on secular dharma
In a recent interview Stephen Batchelor discussed the historical antecedents and development of secular Buddhism, the divergent 'core logics' of traditional and secular Buddhism, and the need to create a new Mindfulness Based Human Flourishing program.
The dharma of nostalgia
In a dharma talk given to the Kookaburra Sangha in Sydney, Australia, Winton Higgins explores how nostalgia is often a reactive craving for mythologised memories and public histories.
Stephen Batchelor on an ethics of uncertainty
On 9 March 2022 Stephen Batchelor gave an online talk on an ethics of uncertainty which was sponsored by Mind and Life Europe. Stephen argued that both Gotama and Socrates articulate a situational ethics that is grounded in compassion and unknowing rather than a priori moral convictions and metaphysical certainties.
Stephen Batchelor’s dharma talks on a secular reinterpretation of the eightfold path
At Buddha-Stiftung's fifth study retreat, which was held in October 2021, Stephen Batchelor discussed a secular reinterpretation of the Eightfold Path that is appropriate and helpful for our contemporary world.  As part of this reinterpretation, Stephen suggested a different order of the limbs of the Eightfold Path and offered a new interpretation of each limb.