Different ways to meditate, from a secular perspective

Among westerners, Buddhism is often considered to be simply meditation. This is a mistake, as what Gotama taught goes well beyond one practice. Meditation is, however, vital to the dharmic path and secular Buddhists have begun to explore several approaches to meditation which are consistent with the core elements of secular dharma. 

On this page you will find recommended reading to introduce and explore the subject, and more articles written by a number of leading secular dharma writers that will help you dig a little deeper.


The Secular Buddhist Network sponsors two online meditation groups on Sunday for secular Buddhists and those interested in a secular approach to the dharma.

Secular Buddhists can and do practice meditation in a variety of ways, but there is no secular Buddhist meditation practice per se. Instead, secular Buddhists bring a secular outlook and orientation to existing forms of meditation practice.

Mike Slott argues that the purpose of meditation for secular Buddhists is to cultivate certain virtues and insights which are crucial to promoting human flourishing in this world, not the attainment of nirvana.

Ramsey Margolis emphasizes that secular meditation is primarily about stillness and self-observation; when we sit regularly, we become becoming mindfully aware of not just the content of our thoughts but also the emotions and mind states that inform these thoughts

At a Sŏn-style retreat in which the question 'What is this?' is posed Martine Batchelor explains that all forms of meditation practice are all based on two fundamental elements – anchoring and experiential inquiry.