Reimagining Community newsletter #19 April 2021

March 27, 2021


#19  April 2021

Welcome to our April 2021 newsletter.

This month we highlight new articles by Dan Nixon and Mike Slott, the latest issue of the Creative Dharma newsletter, and the print publication of Lenorë Lambert's new book on secular Buddhism.

Three simple words with which to meet our 'digital' lives

While digital technologies are, in themselves, neither the problem nor the solution, they contribute to making us increasingly divided and distrusting of one another. Dan Nixon argues that we can begin to create something better by cultivating an ongoing, open-ended spirit of questioning towards all we encounter in our digitally-mediated experience by asking: what is this?

Find out more.


What Bhikkhu Analayo got wrong: a review of ‘Superiority Conceit in Buddhist Traditions’

The overall purpose of Bhikkhu Analayo’s new book, Superiority Conceit in Buddhist Traditions: A Historical Perspective, is well-intended, but his treatment of superiority conceit in Buddhist traditions fails to identify the root cause of this problem in Buddhism. He also mischaracterizes the writings of Stephen Batchelor and ignores the ideas and practices of contemporary secular Buddhists.

Find out more.


Join SBN's online group

The Secular Buddhist Network is sponsoring an online group which meets the third Thursday of each month on Zoom. It’s a great opportunity for secular Buddhists and those who are interested in learning more about a secular approach to the dharma to connect with each other and to discuss key issues.

Find out more.

Connect with Secular Buddhists worldwide

If you have a sangha, centre, meditation group, resource or website, or are an individual who would like to connect with other secular Buddhists, fill out our simple form and we can add you to our listing of secular Buddhist groups and individuals, as well as an interactive map.

Find out more.


Lenorë Lambert's new book: The Buddha for Modern Minds

Lenorë's book is now available on Amazon as an e-book and will be available in a print version later this month. Lenore's book provides newcomers to Buddhism and experienced practitioners with answers to key questions such as: Does the dharma teach passivity? Is the dharma anti-passion? The book also offers a deep dive into the Four Great Tasks (orthodox Four Noble Truths) and brings them alive with personal stories and practical suggestions.


Find out more.



New issue of Creative Dharma

In the April Creative Dharma newsletter you'll find:

Poet and author of young adult fiction, Brigid Lowry, on creativity, in an excerpt from her new book A year of loving kindness for myself + What we learned from the first online meeting for Creative Dharma readers + Looking at Gaudi’s mosaic bench in Barcelona’s Park Güell, Ronn Smith reflects on how our fragments make a person + Resting in a felt sense of ease, Brad Parks examines creativity in meditation + Paid subscriptions to the newsletter, and our plan to give away everything we receive

If you don’t subscribe already, or you want to move from the free to the paid subscription, you can do so here –


If you are on Facebook or Twitter, we would be grateful if you would 'like' and 'share' any item in this newsletter that you think is valuable or the newsletter itself. Look out for Secular Buddhist Network on Facebook; our Twitter account is @AFourFoldTask.

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