December 17, 2018

To facilitate in-person contacts and the development of local sanghas, we have established a listing for individuals looking to meet others in their geographical area. If you want to connect with others in a local sangha, please click here and add your name to the listing.

If you do create an in-person sangha through the list, please let us know and we'll add your sangha to the list below.

Online and national

One Mindful Breath - Online Sessions

Whether you’re in Wellington or elsewhere on the planet, you practice on your own or are part of a group, if you’re wanting additional support for your practice you’re welcome to take part in One Mindful Breath’s online secular Buddhist practice sessions. They take place on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 19:30–20:30 NZ time.


Secular Buddhism in Aotearoa New Zealand website

Active from April 2012 through July 2021, their website is now at:*/


Secular Buddhism in Aotearoa New Zealand on YouTube

A selection of useful videos, mostly made in Wellington, you can find them here.


Diamond Harbour

A secular insight meditation group meets weekly, and beginners are welcome

  • Tuesdays • 6:30–7:30pm @ 7a Whero Ave, Diamond Harbour

Find out more from Christine Dann 022 049 3461 or Ron Dubin 03 329 3032 or send Christine an email.



If you’re wanting a practice of meditation that is secular in orientation and framed by Buddhist ethical and philosophical values, One Mindful Breath explores the role of mindfulness in embracing the suffering of life, letting go of the dictates of reactivity, experiencing the calm and clarity of spaciousness, and cultivating creative engagement as a way of being in the world.

‘Beginners’ Mind’ on the first Weds of the month offers a chance to experience a short meditation practice. Whether you’ve never meditated or you tried but found it too hard, you’re most welcome to come along. You’ll find out you won’t be trying to ‘stop your thoughts’, and you will be learning a useful skill.

  • Wednesday evenings • 7:15 to 9:15pm
    The Friends’ Centre, 7 Moncrieff St, Mt Victoria

Find out more from Alex – send him an email, phone/text him on 021 921 821 or go to and sign up for a quarterly newsletter; click here for the most recent newsletter.



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