Colette Descent

A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Cathryn
Cathryn Jacob became disillusioned with the dogmatism of an independent, charismatic church when she was young and was an atheist for many years. As part of her process of recovery later in life, Cathryn found that the Secular Dharma provided her with the concepts, skills and practices to ‘live life on life’s terms’, to flourish, and to help others do the same.
SBN’s half-day online meditation retreat
The Secular Buddhist Network (SBN) held a half-day, online meditation retreat on 4 February 2024. Unlike most traditional meditation retreats that are led by one or several teachers, who give meditation instructions and dharma talks, SBN's retreat was peer-led, with three people providing brief introductions for silent meditation periods.
Using nonviolent communication (NVC) within right speech
Colette Descent explains why Marshall Rosenberg's Nonviolent Communication approach provides a valuable tool for secular Buddhists.
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Sylwia
From a very early age, Sylwia Plich has always questioned religious orthodoxies. She has moved from her family's Catholicism to Protestantism to Tibetan Buddhism. In 2016, she came across Stephen Batchelor's writings and embraced a secular approach which focuses on ethical life on a daily basis.
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Carmel
Although deeply influenced and inspired by some aspects of Judaism, Carmel Shalev began to lose faith in God and his commandments because they treated women as somehow limited and second best to men. She eventually connected with Buddhist teachers and found that Stephen Batchelor's secular approach resonated deeply with her.
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Craig
Craig Murphy encountered Buddhist-inspired meditation practices through John Kabat-Zinn’s MBSR approach in the early 1990s. Craig has found that a secular approach which eschews metaphysics to be most consistent with his perspective toward life and society.
Bringing the secular dharma to my community
Colette Descent describes a course she teaches at a community center for older adults which incorporates key secular dharma concepts without the use of Buddhist terminology.
An exciting new global movement – the Global Compassion Coalition
Colette Descent discusses the Global Compassion Project, a new organization initiated by Rick Hanson and others, to inspire individuals, organizations, and governments to address the causes of suffering and to build communities of care and belonging.
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Tom
Tom Cummings initially practiced Vipassana meditation, but he has found that secular Buddhism's emphasis on our present human life as the one and only existence we have aligns well with the agnostic humanist perspective he has embraced for many years.
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Jim
Jim Bronson connected with the Theravāda tradition and Insight meditation over 20 years ago, after the death of his first wife. As a scientist, he was attracted to the secular aspects of Theravāda and began to learn more about secular Buddhism. He finds inspiration in Stephen Batchelor's view that ‘a secular Buddhist is one who is committed to the practice of the dharma for the sake of this world alone.’
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Kathy
Kathy Lang particularly appreciates the secular Buddhist emphasis on bringing the practice to everyday life and the the view of nirvana as a process of reducing reactivity, rather than as the metaphysical goal of a state beyond our present reality.
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Ronn
Ronn Smith began an intensive study of Buddhism at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies (BCBS) in 2008 and then gravitated toward a secular approach through an engagement with Stephen Batchelor's writings. For Ronn, the ethical and philosophical dimensions of secular dharma are crucial; in particular, the emphasis on flourishing and care rather than on suffering.
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Steve
Steve Holdsambeck and his family were deeply involved for many years in the southern (USA) Methodist Church. However, through a very emotional and difficult transition, he began to question his Christian faith and developed an increasing interest in meditation, which eventually led to an interest in Stephen Batchelor's books and secular Buddhism.
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Keith
Keith Clanton's initial religious experience was with Christianity but he has been interested in Buddhism for many decades. He finds that Buddhist teachings in a secular/agnostic form fit well with how he sees the world. Keith has taken vows with a group called the Secular Buddhist Tradition (SBT) and is also active in various SBN groups.
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Katie
Katie first became interested in meditation and Buddhism through her yoga practice. She found that secular Buddhism's focus on how we can live a good and full life while we are here deeply resonated with her. 
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