
Self-Sayings of a (Sometimes) Secular Monk: Part III – Dharma Principles for Approaching the Dharma
In the last of a series of three articles, Bhikkhu Santi offers a set of ‘self-sayings’ or principles for approaching Buddhist texts, teachings, and practices in contemporary contexts of study and practice.
Self-Sayings of a (Sometimes) Secular Monk: Part II – Dharma-Specific General Principles
In the second of a series of three articles, Bhikkhu Santi offers a set of ‘self-sayings’ or principles for understanding Buddhist texts, teachings, and practices.
Self-Sayings of a (Sometimes) Secular Monk: Part 1 – General Dharma Principles
In the first of a series of articles, Bhikkhu Santi offers a set of ‘self-sayings’ or principles for approaching the dharma in the sense of ‘all phenomena’ or ‘nature’.
Stephen Batchelor on the ‘Parable of the Snake’ and the need to reimagine Buddhism
Stephen Batchelor led a meditation and offered a dharma talk to the Community Meditation Center (CMC), an Insight meditation center based in New York City, USA.  Stephen's talk was on the 'Parable of the Snake,' a sutta in which Gotama, the historical Buddha, discussed different ways of approach the dharma.
Anti-racism and the dharma: next steps
Jewel Wheeler argues that the pain and suffering caused by racism require us to understand why our response as Buddhists - both secular and traditional - has been inadequate. Then, we can begin to think through how we can bring dharmic insights more effectively into the struggle for a multi-racial, just society. 
Stephen Batchelor and Ruth Ozeki on Buddhism and Creativity
As part of the 30th anniversary celebration of Tricycle magazine, Stephen Batchelor and Ruth Ozeki discussed the role of creativity in their work and in the dharma. They both emphasized that creativity depends on cultivating a sense of inner openness and relaxation, a loosening of attachment to a fixed notion of the self.
From meditation retreats to dharma path immersives
While meditation retreats are extremely valuable, they are limited in some important respects. We need to develop more inclusive forms of intensive practice which help us cultivate each of the essential dimensions of of the Eightfold Path in an integrated way.
Dharma practice and solidarity in troubling times
According to Winton Higgins, the foundation of Buddhists' political engagement is the overarching ethical commitment to care, the responsibility to be 'engaged as a moral agent in what is going on in one’s own life'.
What to tell your inner yogi about climate change
Responsible citizenship goes to the core of our ethical commitments as dharma practitioners. So the existential threat to ourselves and all other life-forms, that climate change poses, must stand high on our civic agenda. It mightily evokes the overarching ethic of the dharma – the ethic of care – understood both as concernful awareness, and as a prompt to action.