A conversation between Stephen Batchelor and Bhikkhu Santi
On 21 April 2024, Stephen Batchelor and Bhikkhu Santi discussed Stephen's forthcoming book, Buddha, Socrates and Us, the meanings of monasticism, and the import of ancient wisdom for our contemporary moment.
At SBNâs monthly discussion group meeting last week, several members of the Secular Buddhism Meets Western Psychology subgroup offered their perspectives on Buddhismâs five precepts, including their relevance to our daily practice.
Stephen Batchelor, Winton Higgins, and LenorĂŤ Lambert led a residential study retreat on Secular Dharma and Ethical Living in December 2023. Their secular dharma approach focused on the ethical perspectives and practices needed to engage with the various interconnected crises our world faces in the twenty-first century.
A mindfulness based feminist ethics of care: weaving the feminist ethics of care and secular Buddhist concepts
Tina Sideris discusses the meaning and practice of care by considering how the feminist ethics of care and secular Buddhist concepts enhance each other.Â
An interview with Seth Segall on his new book, The House We Live In
SBN interviewed Seth ZuihĹ Segall about his new book, The House We Live in: Virtue, Wisdom, and Pluralism. In this book Seth offers a theory of ethics and flourishing based on Aristotle, Buddha, and Confucius.
The value of meditational awareness and Buddhist ethics for progressive groups
Katya de Kadt explains how meditational awareness and an ethics based in the values and wisdom of Buddhism can help activists avoid burnout and play a productive role in the struggle for social change.
Seth Zuiho Segall brings together the virtue ethics systems of Aristotle, the Buddha, and Confucius with the pragmatists' emphasis on provisional truths and democracy to offer a new flourishing-based ethics.
In the third of three articles on the topic of Uncertainty, Care and Responsibility, Carmel Shalev discusses how the basic values of care and compassion are strongly connected to a feminine voice and ethics.
Carmel Shalev discusses how the ethical approach of secular dharma is not based on obeying laws but acting mindfully in each situation to minimize harm and promote the wellbeing of ourselves, others, and all forms of life on the planet.
On 9 March 2022 Stephen Batchelor gave an online talk on an ethics of uncertainty which was sponsored by Mind and Life Europe. Stephen argued that both Gotama and Socrates articulate a situational ethics that is grounded in compassion and unknowing rather than a priori moral convictions and metaphysical certainties.
Linda Modaro on the need for ethical reflection by teachers and dharma leaders
In an interview with SBN, Linda Modaro, a meditation teacher, discussed a course that she has developed and taught on ethical reflecting for meditation teachers and dharma group leaders.
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