Linda Modaro

Reflective Meditation Podcasts on the Election
Linda Modaro and other Reflective Meditation teachers have produced several podcasts that address the recent challenges of the US election.
Is your experience true?
Linda Modaro and Nelly Kaufer discuss how reflective meditation encourages the capacities of being truthful, genuine, and honest about our experiences, and highlight an upcoming retreat after the November election.
A taste of reflective meditation
If you would like to learn more about the reflective meditation approach, Linda Modaro and Nelly Kaufer are offering an introduction to reflective meditation on 20 September and 23 October.
Developing the muscle of reflection in meditation practice
Linda Modaro and Nelly Kaufer discuss the role and value of reflection in meditation practice in a three-part podcast series.
An interview with Nelly Kaufer and Linda Modaro on Reflective Meditation
In an interview with SBN, Nelly Kaufer and Linda Modaro discussed dharma teaching, their reflective meditation approach, and their new book, Reflective Meditation: Cultivating Kindness and Curiosity in the Buddha's Company.
Reflections on the Reflective Meditation Daily Online Sangha
Anna Delacroix discusses an online daily sangha led by two meditation teachers, Linda Modaro (Sati Sangha) and Nelly Kaufer (Pine Street Sangha). During the COVID pandemic, the daily meditation group has provided sangha members with an opportunity to practice Reflective Meditation as a refuge, and a time for daily connection.
Linda Modaro on the need for ethical reflection by teachers and dharma leaders
In an interview with SBN, Linda Modaro, a meditation teacher, discussed a course that she has developed and taught on ethical reflecting for meditation teachers and dharma group leaders.
Coming to terms with being human: a fourth mark of existence
Buddhists teachings point us towards three characteristics that are common across everything in sentient life: dukkha, anatta, and anicca. Linda Modaro posits a fourth mark of existence based on our need to survive and thrive.
SBN guidelines for contributors and readers’ comments
As a ‘hub’ or space where dialogue is fostered and resources and experiences are shared among secular Buddhists, we will adhere to certain guidelines for contributors and readers' comments which are consistent with our approach and our intention to play a constructive role in the development of a secular approach to the dharma.
Metta in the time of the coronavirus: responses of secular Buddhists to the pandemic
Several contributors to the Secular Buddhist Network website offer their insights on how we can best respond to the coronavirus pandemic. The common theme is that by fully understanding core Buddhist insights regarding impermanence, suffering, and interconnection, as well as cultivating an ethical stance of care and compassion, we can skillfully respond to this current crisis.
Responding to the coronavirus: reflections from the Pine Street Sangha and Sati Sangha
The coronavirus reveals just how uncertain things can become. Health news changes daily, hourly. New cases are being diagnosed. New routes of transmission are being considered. This is destabilizing and scary. LInda Modaro and Nelly Kaufer offer some guidelines on how we can respond skillfully and compassionately to this crisis.
Reflective meditation retreats as a space for independent and critical thinking
In leading meditation retreats based on a reflective meditation approach Linda Modaro and Moline Whitson aim to create a middle path between a strict adherence to an intensive schedule and completely doing away with the structures and guidelines that have been considered worthwhile on vipassana retreats.
Moving toward student-centric meditation teaching
Almost everything that has changed in how we have developed and teach reflective meditation over the past several years, arises from our experience reclaiming our practice and moving forward from a deeply painful split in our community. Like many Buddhist communities torn apart by failures of leadership, we continue to examine our ideals and assumptions about teaching and leadership and search for a middle path.
Linda Modaro & Nelly Kaufer on reflective meditation
Linda Modaro and Nelly Kaufer teach an open awareness, secular meditation and dharma practice which they call reflective meditation. While it is based upon the Buddha’s teaching, this approach also includes principles of western psychology and neuroscience that help support teachers and their students in leading ethical and internally congruent lives.
Why use meditation and reflection?
Reflective meditation is a relatively new, non-formulaic and flexible meditation approach which many secular Buddhists have found to be very helpful in developing their practice.