Mike Slott

An Online Discussion of Mindful Solidarity
On January 30, at 7 pm US Eastern Time, Craig Murphy, Seth Zuihō Segall, and Karsten Struhl joined Mike Slott for a discussion around his book, Mindful Solidarity: A Secular Buddhist Democratic Socialist Dialogue. The online discussion was sponsored by the Secular Buddhist Network and Tuwhiri, a secular Buddhist publishing imprint.
Exploring a secular dharma: SBN’s online course
SBN's free online course on explores key concepts a secular dharma. Participants in the course will go through the course modules, discuss the topics in each module with each other, and meet on Zoom every two weeks with the instructors for the course.
John Danvers’ Dharma Roads Podcast
Since 2022, John Danvers' podcast Dharma Roads has explored in 32 episodes the wisdom and meditation methods of Zen, Buddhism and other sceptical philosophers, writers and poets.
A conversation between Mike Slott and Winton Higgins on ‘Mindful Solidarity’
In a book launch event sponsored by the Secular Buddhist Network and Tuwhiri, a secular Buddhist publishing imprint, Mike Slott and Winton Higgins discussed Mike's new book, Mindful Solidarity: A Secular Buddhist Democratic Socialist Dialogue.
Mindful Solidarity book launch event
Mike Slott will be in conversation with Winton Higgins, the Australian secular Buddhist and author of Revamp: writings on secular Buddhism, to launch Mike's book Mindful Solidarity: A Secular Buddhist Democratic Socialist Dialogue
Mindful Solidarity – an idea whose time has come?
Ramsey Margolis discusses Mindful Solidarity, a new book by Mike Slott; in the book, the author argues that there is a need to integrate mindfulness with political activism as well as the ethical values of compassion and care
Kickstarter Campaign launched for Tuwhiri’s new book – Mindful Solidarity
Tuwhiri will be publishing our next book Mindful Solidarity: A Secular Buddhist Democratic Socialist Dialogue by Mike Slott in October 2024, and launching a Kickstarter campaign for the book on 25 July
No Justice, No Peace (or Human Flourishing)
In response to Thanissaro Bhikhhu's claim that the end of suffering for each individual is more important than justice, Mike Slott argues that reducing suffering and the achievement of social justice are equally necessary and complementary processes.
The next book from Tuwhiri: Mindful Solidarity
Tuwhiri, a publishing imprint which provides educational resources for secular dharma practitioners, announces their next book, Mindful Solidarity
‘Right livelihood’ at $17.3 million a year?
In response to an interview between Jack Kornfield and a Ford Motor executive, Mike Slott and Katya de Kadt argue that the Buddhist notion of right livelihood must take into account the structural role of corporations in causing harm.
A review of David McMahan’s new book, ‘Rethinking Meditation’
In his review of David McMahan's Rethinking Meditation, Mike Slott argues that McMahan's insightful analysis of meditation misses one key factor: the impact of neo-liberal capitalism on contemporary meditative practices.
Rethinking not-self: a critical review of Jay Garfield’s ‘Losing Ourselves’
As part of a critical review of Jay Garfield's 2022 book, Losing Ourselves, Mike Slott offers a different perspective on not-self, one that shifts the discussion from an epistemological and ontological analysis to an ethically-informed exploration of the existential, psychological, and social causes of various forms of ‘selfing’.
An interview with Stephen Batchelor on Mindfulness Based Ethical Living
On 22 February 2023, Stephen Batchelor was interviewed by Ayda Duroux, Saskia Graf, and Jochen Weber from Buddha-Stiftung, and Mike Slott from the Secular Buddhist Network. Stephen discussed the key aspects of a new practical and ethical philosophy, Mindfulness Based Ethical Living (MBEL).
What is human flourishing?
Mike Slott offers an account of human flourishing which incorporates Buddhist insights, Marx’s view of human nature, and Martha Nussbaum’s capabilities approach. To flourish, we need to cultivate mindfulness and compassion while creating a society which provides the resources and support for human flourishing for all.
A dialogue on secular dharma
At an online program on Perspectives on Secular Dharma, Stephen Batchelor, Seth Zuihō Segall, Karsten Struhl, and Mike Slott engaged in a wide-ranging dialogue on key topics related to a secular approach to the dharma.