Ramsey Margolis discusses Mindful Solidarity, a new book by Mike Slott; in the book, the author argues that there is a need to integrate mindfulness with political activism as well as the ethical values of compassion and care
Harry Somaraju's new book, Anxiety to Ahh-mazing in 60 Days provides a comprehensive guide aimed at transforming stress, anxiety, and anger into sustainable happiness. Secular Buddhism is one of the key components of the philosophy which underlies his approach.
ELSA Recovery: Recovery from addiction within a secular dharma framework
Cathryn Jacob announces the creation of ELSA Recovery, a community in which Stephen Batchelor's secular dharma teachings are blended with practical applications aimed at recovery from addiction.
A conversation between Stephen Batchelor and Bhikkhu Santi
On 21 April 2024, Stephen Batchelor and Bhikkhu Santi discussed Stephen's forthcoming book, Buddha, Socrates and Us, the meanings of monasticism, and the import of ancient wisdom for our contemporary moment.
The egocentricity of meditation: a critical reflection on motives and practices
Following David McMahan, Wibo Koole argues that mindfulness meditation practice is strongly influenced by the dominant forms of individualism in our culture.
Stephen Batchelor, Winton Higgins, and Lenorë Lambert led a residential study retreat on Secular Dharma and Ethical Living in December 2023. Their secular dharma approach focused on the ethical perspectives and practices needed to engage with the various interconnected crises our world faces in the twenty-first century.
A mindfulness based feminist ethics of care: weaving the feminist ethics of care and secular Buddhist concepts
Tina Sideris discusses the meaning and practice of care by considering how the feminist ethics of care and secular Buddhist concepts enhance each other.
A review of David McMahan’s new book, ‘Rethinking Meditation’
In his review of David McMahan's Rethinking Meditation, Mike Slott argues that McMahan's insightful analysis of meditation misses one key factor: the impact of neo-liberal capitalism on contemporary meditative practices.
An interview with Dave Smith on his 2024 MBEL program
In a 10 July interview with SBN, Dave Smith, an insight meditation and secular mindfulness teacher, discussed his new program on Mindfulness Based Ethical Living (MBEL), which will begin January 2024.
Discovering the art of waiting – the importance of patience and impatience in Buddhism
From a Buddhist perspective, waiting is not an obstacle but an opportunity for growth and the development of wisdom. Jochen Weber explores how waiting mindfully is an opportunity to practice the art of patience and equanimity.
Mindfulness Based Ethical Living (MBEL): an update
Since November 2022, eighteen people from twelve countries have been developing a new online course, Mindfulness Based Ethical Living (MBEL). The course will offer an ethical and philosophical framework for a flourishing life, based on a secular interpretation of the Buddhist foundation of mindfulness.
Colette Descent describes a course she teaches at a community center for older adults which incorporates key secular dharma concepts without the use of Buddhist terminology.
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