
Practical Dharma
Jeffrey Fracher discusses how the combined and overlapping tools of the dharma and modern psychology provide us with a Practical Dharma, a way to change our relationship with suffering while acknowledging its inevitability.
Relatively speaking – truth, diversity & wellbeing
In this article John Danvers clarifies some of the thinking around notions of truth to help secular Buddhists to develop their own ideas of what is true and beneficial.
Towards a flourishing-based ethics
Seth Zuiho Segall brings together the virtue ethics systems of Aristotle, the Buddha, and Confucius with the pragmatists' emphasis on provisional truths and democracy to offer a new flourishing-based ethics.
Book launches for Winton Higgins’s new book on secular Buddhism
Beginning 19 May 2021, four book launches were held to introduce Winton Higgins's new book, Revamp: writings on secular Buddhism. The book is published by Tuwhiri and consists of a collection of essays on various topics related to secular Buddhism. 
What is religion for now? a pragmatist inquiry
In this talk in 2013 Winton Higgins argues that religion is best understood from a pragmatic perspective. He says that "our ancestors developed our religious traditions as tools in aid of survival, well-being and self-improvement. Along with other significant inventions, they have served us well and utterly transformed us into self-aware moral agents."