Tuwhiri Project

Kickstarter Campaign Launched for Tuwhiri’s New Book – Mindful Solidarity
Tuwhiri will be publishing our next book Mindful Solidarity: A Secular Buddhist Democratic Socialist Dialogue by Mike Slott in October 2024, and launching a Kickstarter campaign for the book on 25 July.
Two study opportunities for secular Buddhists
Tuwhiri, a publishing imprint which publishes books on early Buddhism and secular dharma, is sponsoring reading groups this year for two of its publications: Revamp and What is this?.
Tuwhiri: a secular Buddhist publishing imprint
The Tuwhiri Project is a publishing imprint which was initiated by secular dharma practitioners in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. As well as publishing books, Tuwhiri helped to develop the Secular Buddhist Network's online course, Exploring a secular dharma and publishes Creative Dharma, a newsletter.