
An interview with Nelly Kaufer and Linda Modaro on Reflective Meditation
In an interview with SBN, Nelly Kaufer and Linda Modaro discussed dharma teaching, their reflective meditation approach, and their new book, Reflective Meditation: Cultivating Kindness and Curiosity in the Buddha's Company.
Lifting the curtain
The Tuwhiri Project is a publishing imprint that was initiated by secular dharma practitioners in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand in 2018. 'News from Tuwhiri' provides a brief history of what Tuwhiri has accomplished since its founding and its future plans.
Tuwhiri to publish new book, ‘Love you: public policy for intergenerational wellbeing’
Tuwhiri, a publishing imprint created by secular Buddhists in Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia, is publishing a new book by Girol Karacaoglu, 'Love you: public policy for intergenerational wellbeing', This book examines the processes by which wellbeing-focused public policy objectives - consistent with the Buddhist ethic of care - are established, and implemented.