Tuwhiri, a publishing imprint from New Zealand which creates educational resources for secular dharma practitioners, announces its next book: Mindful Solidarity: A Secular Buddhist–Democratic Socialist Dialogue, by Mike Slott.
Democratic socialist politics and a secular form of Buddhism are both essential if we want to create a society in which we all have the opportunity to flourish, Mike Slott suggests.
A secular approach to Buddhism enables us to recognize the ways in which we harm ourselves and others, as well as how our actions weaken progressive political movements.
At the same time, an ethically-informed, secular Buddhist meditation practice is an essential tool for activists working to transform oppressive social institutions, the source of so much human suffering.
So when we pursue individual and social transformation together, we will be enriching the Buddhist path, making it more ethically and socially focused.
In Mindful Solidarity, Mike Slott encourages political activists and Buddhist practitioners to connect with and learn from each other.

For more information on the book, click here.
We will be seeking your support for a Kickstarter campaign to produce and publish Mindful Solidarity. The campaign will launch on 25 July. ⁂