The Secular Buddhist Network in Germany

August 10, 2020

There is a vibrant network of secular Buddhists in Germany, led by Saskia Graf and Jochen Weber. They have provided us with a brief description of their network and the foundation that organizes symposia, discussions, retreats, open meditation evenings and publishes books and online content on Secular Buddhism.

Säkulares Buddhistisches Netzwerk (Secular Buddhist Network)

Those who follow a secular Buddhist path are first of all on their own, since there are no organized groups or organizations, as it is the rule in traditional Buddhist schools. Instead of a traditional, hierarchical organization, the secular Buddhist organization is more like a network of individuals with the same goals.

The project "Säkulares Buddhistisches Netzwerk" serves the purpose of establishing such a network in German-speaking countries. We would like to bring together people of a region who organize themselves in order to practice together, discuss, inspire each other and contribute to the creation of a culture of awakening. We are convinced that independent, democratic communities and networks can support individuals on their specific path.

Buddha-Stiftung (Buddha Foundation)

It is the aim of the Buddha-Stiftung to make the central and original insights of Buddhism and their practical application in daily life accessible to people in an easily comprehensible form. Its foundation is the idea of "Secular Buddhism", i.e. an understanding of Buddhism as a possibility for a life practice that operates without dogmas or beliefs that have arisen from cultural history.

The Buddha Stiftung teaches Buddhist meditation as an everyday practice, especially as a method for developing insight, mindfulness, openness and for coping with stress in everyday life. To this end, the Buddha Stiftung organizes symposia, discussions, retreats, open meditation evenings and publishes books and online content on Secular Buddhism.

Furthermore, the Buddha Stiftung promotes the dialogue between Buddhism, philosophy, science, art, and religions as well as the dialogue between the different Buddhist traditions and promotes scientific research on the effects of meditation in medical therapy.

We support humanitarian projects at home and abroad.

The foundation's work is carried out on a voluntary basis. The foundation is completely independent and funded by donations. The Buddha-Stiftung was founded by Dr. Jochen Weber and Dr. Regina Tröscher-Weber in 2002.



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