Lenore Lambert

An invitation to a weekly dose of secular dharma
Lenorë Lambert is offering weekly emails in which she explores the Buddha's insights for human flourishing in our time.
Secular Buddhism: to be or not to be a ‘Thing’
Lenorë Lambert argues that if we want to share the benefits of the secular dharma with others, we need to define ourselves more clearly and offer some of the benefits provided by organized groups.
Lenorë Lambert’s The Buddha for Modern Minds: A non-religious guide to the Buddha and his teachings
Lenorë Lambert's new book, The Buddha for Modern Minds: A non-religious guide to the Buddha and his teachings, provides newcomers and experienced practitioners with answers to key questions such as: Does the dharma teach passivity? Is the dharma anti-passion? Do I need to find a teacher to learn the dharma? The book also offers a deep dive into the Four Great Tasks (orthodox Four Noble Truths).
How to stop bigotry
We can practice pulling bigotry out by the roots every day in our own worlds. Identify who you treat as ‘other’, be kind to yourself about it, then focus your attention on commonality of experience - of basic human needs. Practice it again and again and again. This is wise attention.