December 17, 2018

To facilitate in-person contacts and the development of local sanghas, we have established a listing for individuals looking to meet others in their geographical area. If you want to connect with others in a local sangha, please click here and add your name to the listing.

If you do create an in-person sangha through the list, please let us know and we'll add your sangha to the list below.



Una plataforma de difusió d’activitats relacionades amb la meditació i el dharma, basada en una visió laica, contemporània, no dogmàtica i no ritual de la tradició budista, neix quan un petit grup d’amics prenem consciència que estem promovent activitats des d’un enfocament similar, i decidim unir energies.

A secular Buddhist community is now active in Barcelona, Spain.

A platform for the dissemination of activities related to meditation and dharma, based on a secular, contemporary, non-dogmatic and non-ritual vision of the Buddhist tradition, was born when a small group of friends became aware that we had a similar approach, and we decide to unite our energies.

Bernat Font lidera el grupo budista secular mencionado anteriormente. En su sitio web, ofrece artículos en su blog sobre diversos temas relacionados con el budismo secular. Además del blog, hay recomendaciones de libros y un directorio de grupos de meditación o contactos de personas interesadas en establecer uno.

Bernat Font leads the secular Buddhist group noted above. On his website he offers articles on his blog on various issues related to secular Buddhism. Besides the blog, there are book recommendations and a directory of meditation groups or contacts of people interested in establishing one.



La Canyada
Zen approach. Information here .
Roberto Poveda:


Le site de Martine Batchelor

MARTINE BATCHELOR fut une nonne Bouddhiste en Corée du Sud pendant 10 ans. Elle a étudié et pratiqué le Bouddhisme Son sous la direction de maître Kusan. Elle a traduit son livre La Voie du Zen Coréen. Après la mort de maître Kusan elle arrêta d’être nonne et en 1985 retourna en Europe où elle étudia et pratiqua aussi la méditation vipassana. En tant qu’autrice trois de ses livres ont été traduits en français dont Rencontre avec des Femmes Remarquables. Elle fait partie du Conseil d’enseignants de Terre d’Eveil. Elle enseigne des retraites en français en France et en Belgique. Elle a enseigné pendant trois ans la méditation à des séniors à Caen qui participaient à un projet scientifique qui fait partie de Silver Sante Study. Elle enseigne la méditation d’une manière simple, claire et efficace. Elle a une attitude ouverte qui recherche ce qui marche bien pour les gens et qui les aident à développer la sagesse et la compassion pour eux-mêmes et pour les autres.


Secular Dharma France Facebook Page

Welcome to the Secular Dharma page.

In connection with Secular Buddhist Network, share and inform in France on a secular Buddhism, free from beliefs. Meditation and philosophy around a pragmatic and agnostic Buddhism based on the first texts of Gautama Buddha.

Bienvenu sur la page Secular Dharma.

En lien avec Secular Buddhist Network, partager et informer en France sur un bouddhisme séculier, libéré des croyances. Méditation et philosophie autour d'un bouddhisme pragmatique et agnostique sur la base des premiers textes du Bouddha Gautama.


Wien, Österreich

Do something, don't believe something

We want to act, not believe. We see ourselves as committed people in an endangered world, in the shaping of which we participate non-violently and emphatically in a variety of ways.

Etwas tun, nicht etwas glauben

Wir wollen handeln, nicht glauben. Wir verstehen uns als engagierte Menschen in einer gefährdeten Welt, an deren Gestaltung wir gewaltfrei und nachdrücklich auf vielfältige Weise teilnehmen.



Il blog di Letizia Baglioni


CMR - Centro Meditazione Roma

CMR is a lay and secular and democratic association, inclusive and open to everyone, whose purpose is to support the practice of mindfulness meditation, and the philosophical and personal research of its members.

CMR è un'associazione laica, laica e democratica, inclusiva e aperta a tutti, il cui scopo è sostenere la pratica della meditazione di consapevolezza, e la ricerca filosofica e personale dei suoi membri.



#LionsRoarKitchen – Gruppo di pratica secolare a Milano(Italy)

The name of this association derives from the drawings (a lion) on the tiles of the meditation room and from the fact that we “cook” our practice with the available ingredients: it welcomes people from different Buddhist and even non-Buddhist traditions. A similar approach to the Bodhi College course.
The group meets on the second and fourth Sundays of every month. From 5pm to 7pm, in Viale Zara 9 in Milan.
In addition to the meditation practice, starting from January 2021 a calendar of meetings / workshops and moments of discussion and study will start.

Il nome di questa associazione deriva dai disegni (un leone)sulle piastrelle della sala di meditazione e dal fatto che “cuciniamo” lanostra pratica con gli ingredienti disponibili: accoglie infatti persone divarie tradizioni buddiste e anche non buddiste. Un approccio simile al percorsodel Bodhi College.
Il gruppo si riunisce la seconda e la quarta domenica diogni mese. Dalle 17 alle 19, in viale Zara 9 a Milano.
Oltre alla pratica di meditazione a partire da gennaio 2021 partiràun calendario di incontri/workshop e momenti di confronto e studio.

Per informazioni: or email Stefano Bettera


Buddha-Stiftung / Säkulares Buddhistisches Netzwerk
Contact Name:  Jochen Weber
Contact email address:

Jochen Weber has been a secular dharma practitioner for over twenty years, and is a physician and MBSR teacher. He is the founder and manager of the German non-profit BuddhaFoundation (Buddhastiftung). We build up a secular network, gather yearly at the Symposium & Retreat on Secular Buddhism, and publish online and in print.



Säkulare buddhistische Gruppe in Mainz, Deutschland


Contact Name Katherina Schroers
Contact email address


Although meditation originates from the Buddhist tradition, Intentio does not require its visitors to adopt certain specific beliefs or goals. The group originally practiced an open meditation style, which has left a tradition of the group’s way of writing down their meditation experiences and discussing them.

Vaikka meditaatio on peräisin buddhalaisesta perinteestä, Intentio ei edellytä kävijöiltään joidenkin tiettyjen uskomusten tai tavoitteiden omaksumista. Ryhmässä harjoitettiin alun perin avoimen meditaation tyyliä, josta on jäänyt perinteeksi ryhmän tapa kirjoittaa ylös meditaatiokokemuksiaan ja keskustella niistä.




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