
On the Prospect of Buddhist Complicity in Genocide
Brian Daizen Victoria examines the tensions with Buddhist chaplains' involvement in the US military, including the war in Iraq and support for the Israeli attacks in Gaza.
Should Buddhism take sides?
Bernat Font argues that, while Buddhists should address controversial social and political topics, they should not succumb to the social pressure to 'take sides' and the response needs to be skillful, based on dharmic insights.
Practical Dharma
Jeffrey Fracher discusses how the combined and overlapping tools of the dharma and modern psychology provide us with a Practical Dharma, a way to change our relationship with suffering while acknowledging its inevitability.
The Lotus Library: Free Buddhist eBooks on the internet
Founded by a small group of practicing, Buddhist volunteers in Australia, the Lotus Library offers free, Buddhist eBooks on the internet
The Elephant in the Dharma Hall
John Peacock argues that for too many, Buddhist practice is a retreat into a quietism that ignores the pressing social and political realities of our time. In his view, politics must find its way into the dharma hall.
Behavior, choice, and well-being: economics and Buddhism
In his new book, Edward Morey explores the relationships between behavior, choice, and ethics in welfare economics and Buddhism.
Learning, awakening, and empowerment
John Danvers argues that the development of secular approaches to Buddhist practice involves not only a radical reconsideration of institutional goals and structures but the development of more effective, transformative and egalitarian modes of learning.
The Buddha on the Orient Express: cultural encounters in the development of Buddhism
The oldest Buddhist monument was discovered in 2021 in the ancient Pakistani city of Barikot in the Swat Valley. Stefano Bettera discusses how this finding is part of an ever growing body of evidence that the development of Buddhism has been profoundly shaped by its encounter with various cultures.
A queer critique of Buddhist renunciation
Bernat Font argues that the renunciant attitude underlying the noble truths and some meditation practices has to be examined with care and fully acknowledged; we may need to look beyond the early texts into how later Buddhisms addressed desire and embodiment, or into more contemporary perspectives. The richness of these teachings is vast: there are many ways to sit and celebrate.
An interview with David Edwards on corporate media bias, political activism, and meditation
SBN interviewed David Edwards, the co-editor of the UK-based media watch site Media Lens and author of several books. David discussed his critique of corporate media bias and how political activists can make a real difference by focusing on being, not just on doing; on learning to truly live and feel, rather than solely on external change.
Why Buddhism is NOT a science of the mind: a review of Evan Thompson’s ‘Why I am not a Buddhist’
Bernat Font provides a summary and review of Evan Thompson's recent book, 'Why I am not a Buddhist'. While criticizing key concepts in 'Buddhist modernism', Thompson asserts that, at its best, Buddhism can challenge our excessive confidence that science explains what the world really is like while offering a radical critique to our narcissistic concern with the self.
Buddhism is dead! Long live ‘Buddhism’!
Whether we like it or not, to reduce Buddhism to a detached and repetitive liturgical religiosity, means to keep our heads turned towards the past and also means losing the potential for a sensitive engagement with tradition. A vibrant and living spirituality must be known, lived, and experienced in our bodies, our practices, and our way of being.
An unconventional glossary of Buddhist qualities, translated from meditative experience and Pali
This unconventional glossary provides us with grounded, experienced-based definitions of qualities, attitudes, skills, and concepts which are relevant to all meditators.