Middle Way Philosophy

The five principles of the Middle Way
Robert M. Ellis offers five principles of the Middle Way as a useful model for practice and as a set of principles that focus on judgment as a process rather than on beliefs in ultimates or absolutes.
What’s the problem? Not ‘suffering’ but absolutization
Robert M. Ellis argues that absolutization, the assumption that we have the whole story, is the basis for our failure to respond optimally in problematic situations. By synthesizing Buddhist insights and other perspectives, we can avoid absolutization and live more skillfully.
Robert M. Ellis and Winton Higgins discuss Middle Way Philosophy and Secular Buddhism
Robert M. Ellis and Winton Higgins engage in a discussion about Middle Way Philosophy and secular Buddhism, exploring the strengths and weaknesses of each perspective.
Robert M. Ellis’s rejoinder to Winton Higgins’s comments on ‘Middle Way Philosophy and Secular Buddhism’
In a rejoinder to Winton Higgins's comments on his article, 'the Middle Way Philosophy and Secular Buddhism', Robert M. Ellis disputes Winton Higgins's criticisms of Middle Way Philosophy and contends that this approach, rather than secular Buddhism, identifies and applies the valuable insights of the Buddha in the most universal way available.
Winton Higgins on Robert M. Ellis’s ‘Middle Way Philosophy and Secular Buddhism’
Winton Higgins responds to Robert M. Ellis's SBN article on his Middle Way Philosophy and secular Buddhism. Higgins disagrees with Ellis's criticisms of secular Buddhism and argues that the Middle Way Philosophy's eclecticism, while well-intentioned, obscures important differences in the way we understand our spiritual quests.
Middle Way Philosophy and Secular Buddhism
Robert M. Ellis explains that his Middle Way Philosophy shares with secular Buddhism a critical approach to the Buddhist tradition, but he argues that ‘secular’ is not a term that provides the criteria we need to skillfully interrogate Buddhism and other traditions.