social engagement

An Online Discussion of Mindful Solidarity
On January 30, at 7 pm US Eastern Time, Craig Murphy, Seth Zuihō Segall, and Karsten Struhl joined Mike Slott for a discussion around his book, Mindful Solidarity: A Secular Buddhist Democratic Socialist Dialogue. The online discussion was sponsored by the Secular Buddhist Network and Tuwhiri, a secular Buddhist publishing imprint.
Compassionate Responses in Our Time: A Blessed Plurality of Inner Practice and Outer Action
Yanai Postelnik explains that the Buddha’s teachings call us to find our own path of heartful practice and engagement, while honouring the range and variety of different ways others may find to express what is authentic and true for them.
Should Buddhism take sides?
Bernat Font argues that, while Buddhists should address controversial social and political topics, they should not succumb to the social pressure to 'take sides' and the response needs to be skillful, based on dharmic insights.
Norma Wong’s new book: When No Thing Works
Norma Wong's new book, When No Things Work, provides spiritual lessons based on Zen and indigenous perspectives for embracing collective care and responsibly meeting uncertain futures.
Eric Kolvig – teacher of engaged insight meditation
Ramsey Margolis expresses his appreciation for Eric Kolvig, a recently-deceased insight meditation teacher who stressed the need for social and political engagement, and for the four tasks he devised for coping with global tragedy
The Elephant in the Dharma Hall
John Peacock argues that for too many, Buddhist practice is a retreat into a quietism that ignores the pressing social and political realities of our time. In his view, politics must find its way into the dharma hall.
SBN’s discussion group: Secular Dharma and Political Activism
The Secular Buddhist Network has formed a discussion group for those who wish to share their experiences of and discuss new possibilities for bringing secular Buddhist ideas, ethics, and practices to community groups, social service organizations, and political movements.
How Buddhist insights and values can help sustain political activism
Mike Slott explores the ways in which Buddhist insights and values can enable political activists to sustain their activity in various movements and to make a positive contribution to the organizations in which they participate.