SBN Editor

Understanding dependent arising
Bodhi College cofounders Christina Feldman and Akincano Weber discussed key aspects of dependent arising, a core notion of Buddhism, in a virtual workshop offered 13 June. The workshop was co-sponsored by Bodhi College and Tricycle magazine.
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Tim
Tim grew up in a Christian household, but found a disconnect between his church's teachings and how church members lived their lives. He was introduced to Buddhism over 20 years ago and learned about secular Buddhism in the course of his explorations. Colette Descent edited the interview for SBN.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #33 June 2022
Welcome to our June 2022 newsletter. This month we highlight a dharma talk by Winton Higgins, articles by Brad Park and Mike Slott, and an interview with a practitioner on his journey to secular Buddhism.
Our diverse paths to secular Buddhism
Each month, we highlight the path that brought an individual to explore and then fully engage in a secular approach to the dharma.
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Jeff
Jeff was deeply involved in orthodox Judaism for 15 years, but eventually moved away from this spiritual tradition to explore secular Buddhism: a non-dogmatic, ethical approach to life.
The core concept of secular Buddhism: the four tasks
The core teachings and insights of Gotama are not ‘truths’ to be believed but a ‘fourfold’ task to help us live our lives in a mindful and compassionate way.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #32 May 2022
Welcome to our May 2022 newsletter.This month we highlight two  new articles by David Loy and John Danvers,  an interview with Colette Descent on her journey to secular Buddhism, an update on the SBN website, and a special offer from Tuwhiri, the secular Buddhist publishing imprint, for SBN newsletter subscribers.
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Colette
Colette Descent is an active participant in several SBN groups. She is a member of the monthly online discussion group, the weekly meditation group, and is participating in the Spring 2022 SBN course on secular Buddhism, Exploring a Secular Dharma. We asked Colette about her path to becoming a secular Buddhist and how it has impacted her life.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #31 April 2022
Welcome to our April 2022 newsletter. This month we highlight a recent talk by Stephen Batchelor on an ethics of uncertainty, Dennis SengTing Oliver's article on the emergence of Navayana Buddhism, and Seth Zuihō Segall's proposal for a new model of eudainomic enlightenment as the goal of our practice.
Stephen Batchelor on an ethics of uncertainty
On 9 March 2022 Stephen Batchelor gave an online talk on an ethics of uncertainty which was sponsored by Mind and Life Europe. Stephen argued that both Gotama and Socrates articulate a situational ethics that is grounded in compassion and unknowing rather than a priori moral convictions and metaphysical certainties.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #30 March 2022
Welcome to our March 2022 newsletter. This month we look at the past,  present, and future of secular Buddhism.  We also highlight new articles by Stefano Bettera and Mike Slott, as well as a revised version of The core life tasks and beliefs for a radically engaged Buddhist.
A conversation about the present and future of secular dharma
On 9 February 2022  leaders and facilitators of secular Buddhist groups and sanghas from nine countries - the UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Austria, Germany, Japan, Australia, and the USA - met on Zoom to discuss their current projects, future goals, and how to strengthen collaboration.
Secular Buddhism at the beginning: a study course in 2007
In October and November 2007, Ramsey Margolis and Jonathan Wood facilitated a study course in Wellington, New Zealand called ‘Creating a path: towards a secular Buddhism', based on dharma talks given by Stephen Batchelor. It was one of the first educational programs to explore the new trend of secular Buddhism.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #29 February 2022
Welcome to our February 2022 newsletter. This month we feature a new article on the core tasks of a radically engaged Buddhist by Mike Slott, Katya de Kadt, and Karsten Struhl, as well as Winton Higgins's response to the article.  We also highlight new articles by Bernat Font-Clos, Stefano Bettera, and Robert M. Ellis. Finally, we announce the formation of a new reading group sponsored by the Secular Buddhist Network.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #28 January 2022
Welcome to our January 2022 newsletter. This month we feature new articles by Alex Carr, John Danvers, and Jonathan Golden. We also announce the opening of registrations for SBN's online course on secular Buddhism and a new program offered by Dave Smith. Finally, we provide an update on SBN's monthly discussion group.