Secular Buddhism

Reflections on Stephen Batchelor’s ELSA
Janet Rechtman offers her reflections on Stephen Batchelor's four tasks, or ELSA. She argues that the ELSA formula does not adequately address the role of suffering in our lives.
SBA-SBN Merger Process Moves Forward
On December 13, the Secular Buddhist Network (SBN) Planning Committee and representatives of the Secular Buddhist Association (SBA) met to discuss the ongoing process of merging the two organizations.
A conversation between Mike Slott and Winton Higgins on ‘Mindful Solidarity’
In a book launch event sponsored by the Secular Buddhist Network and Tuwhiri, a secular Buddhist publishing imprint, Mike Slott and Winton Higgins discussed Mike's new book, Mindful Solidarity: A Secular Buddhist Democratic Socialist Dialogue.
Books from Tuwhiri
How you can get Tuwhiri books at a discount
Tuwhiri, a secular Buddhist imprint, offers a range of discounts on books bought in their online store, including one for SBN newsletter subscribers that runs until 31 December 2024
ELSA Recovery: Recovery from addiction within a secular dharma framework (Part 2)
Dr. Cathryn Jacob discusses a new approach to addiction recovery rooted in the key concepts of secular dharma, with explicit reference to the 32 virtues and attitudes found in Stephen Batchelor's cartography of care.
Mindful Solidarity book launch event
Mike Slott will be in conversation with Winton Higgins, the Australian secular Buddhist and author of Revamp: writings on secular Buddhism, to launch Mike's book Mindful Solidarity: A Secular Buddhist Democratic Socialist Dialogue
Ask BuddhaAI
The German secular Buddhist organization, Buddha Stiftung, has created BuddhaAI, an artifical intelligence companion to answer questions relating to (secular) Buddhism, mindfulness, meditation, and ethical living.
Secular Buddhist Association to Merge with the Secular Buddhist Network
We are pleased to announce that the Secular Buddhist Association (SBA) has begun a process of merging with the Secular Buddhist Network (SBN).
A new eSangha: Secular Buddhism Ireland
A new secular Buddhist sangha, which meets online every Thursday, has been formed in Ireland.
I Try To Be Buddhist Just Like We’re All Newtonians
Jourdan Arensen argues that the Buddha's teachings are not cosmic truths. Instead, they provide us with a set of prescriptions for how to live ethically and cultivate well-being.
Compassion and wisdom in times of division: Impressions from the Mind and Life Summer Research Institute
Carmel Shalev offers her reflections on how to cultivate compassion, mindfulness, and wisdom in times of intense change, divisions, and uncertainty.
Kickstarter Campaign launched for Tuwhiri’s new book – Mindful Solidarity
Tuwhiri will be publishing our next book Mindful Solidarity: A Secular Buddhist Democratic Socialist Dialogue by Mike Slott in October 2024, and launching a Kickstarter campaign for the book on 25 July
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Cathryn
Cathryn Jacob became disillusioned with the dogmatism of an independent, charismatic church when she was young and was an atheist for many years. As part of her process of recovery later in life, Cathryn found that the Secular Dharma provided her with the concepts, skills and practices to ‘live life on life’s terms’, to flourish, and to help others do the same.
Why don't you respond?
When the Buddha refused to respond
Ramsey Margolis discusses the refusal of Gotama, the historical Buddha, to discuss metaphysical questions. Instead, his focus was on the alleviation of suffering
The next book from Tuwhiri: Mindful Solidarity
Tuwhiri, a publishing imprint which provides educational resources for secular dharma practitioners, announces their next book, Mindful Solidarity