Buddha-Stiftung (The Buddha Foundation), a secular Buddhist organization in Germany which we work closely with, sponsored a five day study retreat on the eightfold path in October 2021. The study retreat was called The Eightfold Path – A secular reinterpretation for our present-day world and was led by Stephen Batchelor. During the study retreat, Stephen discussed a secular reinterpretation of the Eightfold Path that is appropriate and helpful for our contemporary world. As part of this reinterpretation, Stephen suggested a different order of the limbs of the Eightfold Path and offered a new interpretation of each limb.
Below you will find links to Stephen's dharma talks from the retreat on Youtube.
This is Buddha-Stiftung's fifth study retreat. The retreats are held on an annual basis. For more information, on Buddha-Stiftung click here.
Stephen Batchelor's dharma talks at the study retreat on the eightfold path
Talk #1
Talk #2
Talk #3
Talk #4
Talk #5
Talk #6
Talk #7