
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #36 September 2022
Welcome to our September 2022 newsletter. This month we highlight new articles by Carmel Shalev, Stefano Ventura, and Hugh Palmer, a practitioner's account of her journey to secular Buddhism, and an upcoming online program featuring Stephen Batchelor and several others discussing different perspectives on secular dharma.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #35 August 2022
Welcome to our August 2022 newsletter. This month we highlight an interview with Stephen Batchelor on secular dharma, an article highlighting various perspectives on the core elements of secular Buddhism, a practitioner's account of her journey to secular Buddhism, and an article by Seth Zuihō Segall on the relevance of John Dewey's pragmatic philosophy for developing a theory and practice of human flourishing. 
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #34 July 2022
Welcome to our July 2022 newsletter. This month we highlight a new article by Rick Heller, the opening of registrations for SBN's online course on secular Buddhism, and a practitioner's account of his journey to secular Buddhism. We also feature  an online workshop on dependent arising that was offered 13 June by two Bodhi College faculty and a Bodhi College event to memorialize Gary Born, a Trustee of the college and participant in SBN's monthly discussion group, who recently passed away.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #33 June 2022
Welcome to our June 2022 newsletter. This month we highlight a dharma talk by Winton Higgins, articles by Brad Park and Mike Slott, and an interview with a practitioner on his journey to secular Buddhism.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #32 May 2022
Welcome to our May 2022 newsletter.This month we highlight two  new articles by David Loy and John Danvers,  an interview with Colette Descent on her journey to secular Buddhism, an update on the SBN website, and a special offer from Tuwhiri, the secular Buddhist publishing imprint, for SBN newsletter subscribers.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #31 April 2022
Welcome to our April 2022 newsletter. This month we highlight a recent talk by Stephen Batchelor on an ethics of uncertainty, Dennis SengTing Oliver's article on the emergence of Navayana Buddhism, and Seth Zuihō Segall's proposal for a new model of eudainomic enlightenment as the goal of our practice.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #30 March 2022
Welcome to our March 2022 newsletter. This month we look at the past,  present, and future of secular Buddhism.  We also highlight new articles by Stefano Bettera and Mike Slott, as well as a revised version of The core life tasks and beliefs for a radically engaged Buddhist.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #29 February 2022
Welcome to our February 2022 newsletter. This month we feature a new article on the core tasks of a radically engaged Buddhist by Mike Slott, Katya de Kadt, and Karsten Struhl, as well as Winton Higgins's response to the article.  We also highlight new articles by Bernat Font-Clos, Stefano Bettera, and Robert M. Ellis. Finally, we announce the formation of a new reading group sponsored by the Secular Buddhist Network.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #28 January 2022
Welcome to our January 2022 newsletter. This month we feature new articles by Alex Carr, John Danvers, and Jonathan Golden. We also announce the opening of registrations for SBN's online course on secular Buddhism and a new program offered by Dave Smith. Finally, we provide an update on SBN's monthly discussion group.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #27 December 2021
Welcome to our December 2021 newsletter. This month we feature a dialogue regarding 'truths' and 'tasks' in secular Buddhism with Mike Slott, Winton Higgins, and Stephen Batchelor. We also highlight dharma talks by Stephen Batchelor on a secular reinterpretation of the Eightfold Path, an interview conducted by James Shaheen with Winton Higgins on his new book on secular Buddhism, an article by David Patten on varied secular sources for an understanding of not-self, and three SBN contributors who appear in the latest issue of Tricycle magazine.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #26 November 2021
Welcome to our November 2021 newsletter. This month we highlight a recent dharma talk by Stephen Batchelor, an SBN interview with meditation teacher Dave Smith, an article by Alex Carr on meditating during the time of COVID, and an article by Anna Delacroix on a daily online meditation group led by reflective meditation teachers Linda Modaro and Nelly Kaufer. We also note an article by Winton Higgins in an upcoming issue of the newsletter, Creative Dharma and an interview with Winton, scheduled for 18 November, on his new book, Revamp: writings on secular Buddhism.
Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #25 October 2021
Welcome to our October 2021 newsletter. This month we highlight the unique path of a secular Buddhist monastic, an early experiment in a more secular approach to the dharma in Japan. an interview with a meditation teacher active in the climate group Extinction Rebellion, and an online event featuring an artist engaging in the ecological crises of our time. Finally, we explain why we've changed the name of this newsletter.
Reimagining Community newsletter #24 September 2021
Welcome to our September 2021 newsletter. This month we highlight a critical review of a book published by Shambhala Publications on secularizing trends in Buddhism, two articles on a secular approach to meditation, and an account of an Argentinian sangha combining forms of Vajrayana Buddhism with a democratic and participatory mode of functioning.
Reimagining Community newsletter #23 August 2021
Welcome to our August 2021 newsletter. This month we highlight an interview with Linda Modaro on the need for ethical reflection by meditation teachers and dharma group leaders, a last call for registration for SBN's Fall 2021 online course on Exploring a secular dharma, and two articles which connect secular Buddhism with broader, socially engaged perspectives and practices.
Reimagining Community newsletter #22 July 2021
Welcome to our July 2021 newsletter. This month we highlight a discussion on secular Buddhism and Robert M. Ellis's Middle Way Philosophy, the opening of registration for SBN's Fall 2021 online course on Exploring a secular dharma, and a new book by Paul Andrew Powell which explores the connection between Zen and our secular world.