Secular Buddhism

A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Carmel
Although deeply influenced and inspired by some aspects of Judaism, Carmel Shalev began to lose faith in God and his commandments because they treated women as somehow limited and second best to men. She eventually connected with Buddhist teachers and found that Stephen Batchelor's secular approach resonated deeply with her.
Bodhi College’s After Buddhism and Beyond Course
Bodhi College's self-study, online course, After Buddhism and Beyond, will offer a comprehensive series of Stephen Batchelor's lectures, reflections, and discussions on the theme of Secular Dharma. The course includes videos with talks and Q&As, Stephen’s notes, questions for self reflection, and a resources guide.  
Secular Buddhism briefly explained
Jochen Weber offers his perspective on the key elements of a secular approach to the dharma.
A practitioner’s journey to secular Buddhism: Craig
Craig Murphy encountered Buddhist-inspired meditation practices through John Kabat-Zinn’s MBSR approach in the early 1990s. Craig has found that a secular approach which eschews metaphysics to be most consistent with his perspective toward life and society.
SBN’s online discussion group: meeting summaries
SBN's online discussion group meets the third Thursday of each month. For those who cannot attend, we provide summaries of the topics discussed at each meeting.
Looking for a sangha?
Many secular dharma practitioners are looking for in-person sanghas to enrich their practice. To facilitate the development of local sanghas, SBN has established a listing for individuals looking to meet others in their geographical area.
Moving from regret to remorse
Tom Cummings discusses the difference between regret, which is linked to anger and resentment, and remorse, which elicits a response of compassion and caring.
Tread with care: a secular Buddhist’s approach
Tom Cummings discusses how Gotama's injunction to tread the path with care, calls on us to think rigorously about how we’re living our one and only life, and especially about how we’re interacting with all those we meet along our path.
Secular Buddhism and Buddhist Modernism
Ira Rifkin discusses how the growth of secular Buddhism in recent years is part of a broader trend in society to question orthodox beliefs and to develop new forms of spirituality.
Mindfulness Based Ethical Living (MBEL): an update
Since November 2022, eighteen people from twelve countries have been developing a new online course, Mindfulness Based Ethical Living (MBEL). The course will offer an ethical and philosophical framework for a flourishing life, based on a secular interpretation of the Buddhist foundation of mindfulness.
In memory of Tom Bulley
In memory of his good friend Tom Bulley, a secular dharma practitioner who recently passed away, Keith Jackson offers a sample of Tom's witty and imaginative mind.
Bringing the secular dharma to my community
Colette Descent describes a course she teaches at a community center for older adults which incorporates key secular dharma concepts without the use of Buddhist terminology.
A new secular Buddhist sangha in Canada
Trina-Rae Cuff has founded a new secular Buddhist sangha in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The sangha meets the first Friday of each month in person.
The dharmic tasks of an improvising musician
When he played a wrong note during an improvisational jazz concert, Pedro Bellora used his secular dharma practice to move from a moment of contracted reactivity to a place of joyful non-reactivity.
A secular Dharma discussion group – perspectives from South Wales
The South Wales (Cymru) Secular Dharma discussion group was started in January 2022 and has been meeting once a fortnight online since then. The participants have found the group to be a supportive environment for developing their secular dharma practice.