SBN’s reading groups

September 26, 2024

The Secular Buddhist Network (SBN) sponsors two reading groups.:

  1. A reading group which meets the first Thursday of each month. The sessions are 90 minutes long and run from 1:00 to 2:30 pm Eastern Time (10:00 to 11:30 am Pacific Time and 6:00 to 7:30 pm in the UK and Ireland).
  2. Initially formed by the Secular Buddhist Association, a reading group which meets bi-monthly every first and third Sunday night at 9:00 pm Eastern.

Book, article, video and podcast selections for both groups focus on topics related to secular Buddhism and the aim of the discussion is to explore the topics while seeking to apply them meaningfully to our daily lives.

Both groups meet online on Zoom.

Sign up for the reading group which meets monthly

Sign up for the group which meets bi-monthly on Sunday night

Fill out my online form.



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2 Replies to “SBN’s reading groups”

David Harper

After 52 years of various flavours of Buddhism…….I think that I have found my ‘home’
Also a member of Recovery Dharma
At one time a universalist quaker

Thubten Gyurme

Llevo 30 años de budismo tibetano en un Centro Gelupa. Pero sigo con mente de principiante buscando y aprendiendo. Hace 5 o 6 años descubrí el budismo secular. Pero necesito apoyo de un grupo con quien compartir mis inquietudes.

I have been practicing Tibetan Buddhism in a Gelupa Center for 30 years. But I still have a beginner’s mind, searching and learning. 5 or 6 years ago I discovered secular Buddhism. But I need the support of a group with whom I can share my concerns.

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