We are pleased to announce that the Secular Buddhist Association (SBA) has begun a process of merging with the Secular Buddhist Network (SBN).
SBA was the first organization of secular Buddhists in the U.S. Since its founding in 2011, SBA has been instrumental in helping to publicize and help to develop the secular dharma in the U.S. and other countries. SBA has offered practitioners interested in or curious about secular Buddhism a wide array of resources.

Over the course of fifteen years and 337 episodes, Ted Meissner interviewed on his podcast, The Secular Buddhist, key figures in secular Buddhism, such as Stephen Batchelor, and other prominent Buddhist writers and teachers.
The SBA website was the source of numerous articles and video lectures on different aspects of secular Buddhism, and hosted for many years vibrant community discussion forums on such topics as meditation, key concepts of secular Buddhism, and the role of the sangha.
Finally, SBA initiated and continues to sponsor their Practice Circle, which meets twice a month on Sunday night. Amy Ballentine is the current facilitator of this group.
In the initial phase of the merger, SBN will be publicizing the Practice Circle and providing those who are interested with the ability to sign up for the group meetings. At the same time, we are making Ted’s podcasts available to SBN readers.
We look forward to continuing this process of further developing the merger process. Stay tuned!