Creating Community

SBN’s online discussion group: an update
SBN's monthly, online discussion group had its first meeting in January 2021 and has become an important forum and source of connection for a group of secular Buddhists in various regions of the world. The group is making some changes for the 2022 meetings and a new reading group is being formed.
Two years of SBN: an update
The Secular Buddhist Network (SBN) website and our monthly newsletter went 'live' two years ago. In this article we assess the progress made in achieving the goals for SBN that we initially established and two recent changes. We also ask for your feedback.
A Sangha Without a Name (SWAN): Vajrayana roots, democratic and socially engaged practices
Fede Andino writes about the formation, development, and current functioning  of a sangha in Argentina - the Sangha Without a Name (SWAN) – whose teachers and practitioners have deep connections to Tibetan Buddhism and have developed a democratic and participatory style of functioning.
SBN’s online discussion group
The Secular Buddhist Network is sponsoring an online group which meets the third Thursday of each month on Zoom. It's a great opportunity for secular Buddhists and those who are interested in learning more about a secular approach to the dharma to connect with each other and to discuss key issues.
SBN’s online group meets for the first time
The Secular Buddhist Network online group held its first meeting  21 January.  41 people participated in the Zoom meeting from nine countries: Costa Rica, Ireland, the UK, New Zealand, France, Australia, Germany, Canada, and the U.S. During the meeting, the participants shared their practice and perspectives with each other as we explored the relevance of secular Buddhism in our lives.
The Secular Buddhist Recovery Facebook Group
The Secular Buddhist Recovery Group on Facebook is a sangha of individuals who wish to learn, help and support each other in recovery from alcohol, drugs and other addictions using the practices and teachings of a nonsectarian approach to the Dharma. The group is for those who seek or are in recovery from addictions and for those with an interest in addiction recovery using a secular Dharma perspective.
The Secular Buddhist Network in Germany
There is a vibrant network of secular Buddhists in Germany. Learn about their network and the foundation that organizes symposia, discussions, retreats, open meditation evenings and publishes books and online content on Secular Buddhism.
Teaching the dharma, avoiding ‘the ego trap’
When we give a dharma talk and fall into 'the ego trap,' the focus is one's self and making sure the ego is gratified. Alex Carr confronts the key question: How could I be fostering a sense of equanimity and non-reactivity if my sangha was becoming a place where I would inflame my own craving for praise and admiration and my aversion to failure?
Update on Touching the Earth
Bill Gayner provides an update on Touching the Earth, a non-teacher-centric, democratic self-help community for cultivating mindfulness as an embodied social practice. Practices include meditation, journaling, sharing and exploring meditation experience in triads or dyads, and then gathering back in the larger group to reflect on the process.
My journey to secular Buddhism and the creation of the Exeter Meditation Circle
After many years of Soto Zen practice, John Danvers created a home for secular Buddhists by establishing the Exeter Meditation Circle in England in October 2016. The meetings of the group are simple and non-ritualistic, non-dogmatic and free of attachment to any particular teacher or tradition. Together, the group members are developing a secular Buddhist way of life that is of our time and place.
Pine Street Sangha is 8 years old
Pine Street Sangha is now 8 years old. Located in Portland, Oregon, USA, the sangha is a community of dharma friends and teachers offering a reflective meditation approach based on early Buddhist teaching in support of spiritual development and healing.
Touching the earth: exploring a new, secular self-help mindfulness group approach
Touching the Earth groups aspire to treat participants as equals, where no one is paid to lead or facilitate, and each participant takes responsibility for cultivating their own path and for supporting others in cultivating theirs. The basic format involves meditation, journaling one’s meditation experience, and then exploring the meditation in triads.
New horizons for emerging sanghas: community groups and lay women dharma teachers
In a talk given to the June 2019 Sakyadita Australia conference Anna Markey discusses how there is an emergence of many small community-based clusters of intimate dharma groups in Australia, either leaderless or led by lay teachers. And many of these teachers are women.
What next? two years of path in the Secular Dharma with Bodhi College
Stefano Bettera offers his reflections on the two year course on the Secular Dharma at Bodhi College and what the next steps are for the course participants. He asserts that it is the 'creative, adaptable, non-dogmatic and unorthodox characteristic of the secular Dharma that is an opportunity' for contributing to a culture in which awareness and compassion are predominant.
Ongoing meetings of secular Buddhist groups and sanghas
Workshops, retreats, meetings and other events of interest to secular Buddhists, and the curious