Compassionate Responses in Our Time: A Blessed Plurality of Inner Practice and Outer Action
Yanai Postelnik explains that the Buddha’s teachings call us to find our own path of heartful practice and engagement, while honouring the range and variety of different ways others may find to express what is authentic and true for them.
The UN World Meditation Day – Meditating together, connecting globally
Jochen Weber explains why the UN's World Meditation Day was established and how we can use that day to cultivate the path to reducing our own suffering and the suffering in the world.
The Secular Buddhist Network sponsors two online meditation groups on Sunday for secular Buddhists and those interested in a secular approach to the dharma.
Linda Modaro and Nelly Kaufer discuss how reflective meditation encourages the capacities of being truthful, genuine, and honest about our experiences, and highlight an upcoming retreat after the November election.
The egocentricity of meditation: a critical reflection on motives and practices
Following David McMahan, Wibo Koole argues that mindfulness meditation practice is strongly influenced by the dominant forms of individualism in our culture.
John Peacock argues that for too many, Buddhist practice is a retreat into a quietism that ignores the pressing social and political realities of our time. In his view, politics must find its way into the dharma hall.
A review of David McMahan’s new book, ‘Rethinking Meditation’
In his review of David McMahan's Rethinking Meditation, Mike Slott argues that McMahan's insightful analysis of meditation misses one key factor: the impact of neo-liberal capitalism on contemporary meditative practices.
Harry Somaraju discusses some of his recent research on the impact of mindfulness meditation on the alleviation of stress and the cultivation of positive mental and emotional qualities.
A practitioner of reflective meditation, Brad Parks discusses some of the key elements of how we approach the process of meditation, how we make choices as we 'go inside and navigate the inner world'.
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