Tuwhiri: a secular Buddhist publishing imprint

September 25, 2024

Now with a presence in New York, Wellington and Sydney, Tuwhiri publishes books on early Buddhism, its retrieval, and a secular adaptation to 21st century conditions. In addition, Tuwhiri produces thought-provoking books that are not obviously dharma books but which serve the ethic of care that is central to the dharma.

Tuwhiri emerged with the development of a secular Buddhism, a trend in contemporary western Buddhism which highlights care, the fundamental ethic of the teachings of Gotama, the historical Buddha, in all its aspects. Secularity calls on us to express this ethic of care in ways appropriate to our time and current predicaments.

Naming the imprint Tuwhiri was discussed by Tuwhiri’s founders within and beyond the communities of secular Buddhists in Aotearoa and Australia. The Māori word ‘tuwhiri’ describes well how we found ourselves when we come up against the ancestral forms of Buddhism. Tuwhiri – revealing, making known, a means of discovering something lost or hidden – echoes what we discovered when examining ancestral Buddhist teachings with fresh eyes.


Dharma books

‘How do we respond in a mindful and compassionate way to the social and economic crises that we all face?’, asks Mike Slott. He suggests that democratic socialist politics and a secular form of Buddhism are both essential ingredients if we want to create a society in which everyone has the opportunity to flourish. Encouraging political activists and Buddhist practitioners to connect with, and learn from, each other, it is when we pursue both individual and social transformation together that we will be enriching the Buddhist path, making it more ethically and socially focussed.


In this book, Winton Higgins looks at where secular Buddhism came from, its affinities in western culture, and how it’s likely to develop as a guide to full human flourishing in the years to come. Written with great care, wit and intelligence, it will be enjoyed by all.


Meditation instructions and talks given by Martine and Stephen Batchelor during a Sŏn retreat, What is this? takes us through the practice of radical questioning at the heart of Korean Sŏn Buddhism. The authors show how we can benefit from this type of meditation today.


A step-by-step guide to Stephen Batchelor’s groundbreaking book After Buddhism: Rethinking the dharma for a secular age, you can use Winton Higgins’s workbook to run a course for your sangha, or to deepen your own understanding of After Buddhism.


In the pages of this book you are welcomed into a lively, open minded, often humorous and insightful conversation between Linda Modaro and Nelly Kaufer. Amidst the banter, you will receive clear instructions and guidance on how to develop your own reflective meditation practice, as well as find a sensitive overview of basic early Buddhist teachings.

Books that serve the ethic of care

In the face of humanity-induced catastrophes – not least today’s climate emergency and intensifying social injustices – humanity owes a special duty of care to future generations to overcome them, and to leave our successors with a safer, fairer world in which they may thrive. Tuwhiri has also published:


Public policy in Aotearoa New Zealand has failed to deliver better lives for all. How can we design, implement, and evaluate public policy if it were based on our love for future generations? This book by Girol Karacaoğlu looks at how wellbeing-focussed public policy can be set up, prioritised, funded, managed and evaluated, yet remain relevant.


In Crete 1941, Bernard Cadogan makes all who read it more aware of the wrongs perpetrated by those who colonised Aotearoa, and the need to settle the claims that have arisen from this process.


Reading groups

Tuwhiri offers book reading groups that go through What is this? and Revamp, and will be running reading groups for Mindful Solidarity towards the end of 2024. To find out when the next groups are due to start, subscribe to our monthly newsletter News from Tuwhiri.

Caring for Tuwhiri

To continue producing books, running reading groups, and nurturing newsletters, we need your help – practical and financial. If you have a useful skill, or you’d like to develop a skill that’s relevant to what we do, please get in touch. We’re keen to hear from you.

Financial support from people who read and enjoy our books is key to producing books, and as publishers we gratefully acknowledge this support. You can pay for your subscription to our monthly newsletter, News from Tuwhiri. Subs start at the cost of one coffee a month. Or in our online store you can become a Tuwhiri Supporter, which comes with a range of benefits.

If you would like to discuss a possible book with us you’ll find some useful information in this Google drive folder. Then email us with any questions and a proposal.

Are you a library user? Ask your local library to put Tuwhiri’s books on the shelves.


Media resources

☆ Website ❖ https://tuwhiri.org

Resources to use on your website or in a print publication can be found here

☆ Newsletter ❖ News from Tuwhiri goes out monthly

☆ Sales and distribution

When you buy books in Tuwhiri’s online store, we pay the postage, worldwide. If you want 10 or more copies of our books, get in touch first for a discounted price.

You can order Tuwhiri books in your local bookstore, and online.

Books are distributed to bookshops and libraries worldwide by Ingram Publisher Services

In Australia, bookshops, dharma communities and libraries can also order books from Windhorse Books.

In Aotearoa New Zealand, bookshops, dharma communities and libraries can order directly from Tuwhiri.



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One Reply to “Tuwhiri: a secular Buddhist publishing imprint”

David Dane

I am very interested in Greco Buddhism or the overlap between Greek culture and Buddhism. I believe there were Buddhists present in Alexandria in Hellenistic times and into antiquity. The dialogues of Milinda may illustrate this kind of contact. Does anybody have anymore information on this topic?
Best Wishes David Dane

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