Two study opportunities for secular Buddhists

April 6, 2024

Tuwhiri, a publishing imprint in Aotearoa New Zealand which publishes books on early Buddhism, its retrieval, and a secular adaptation to 21st century conditions, is sponsoring reading groups this year for two of its publications.

Revamp reading group

Beginning May 2024, the first reading group will discuss Winton Higgins’s book, Revamp: writings on secular Buddhism.

In the book Winton Higgins tracks the emergence of secular Buddhism with a focus on today’s climate emergency and intensifying social injustice that cry out for radical socioeconomic and political change. The ethic of care that underpins a creative dharma practice, he suggests, calls on us all to bring our training to bear on these urgent tasks.

The group will meet Wednesdays from 15 May through 28 Aug 2024 on Zoom. In addition, there will be a Q&A session with Winton Higgins at the end.

Here are the session start times in a range of time zones:

  • Hawaii 11am HST Wed 15 May
  • US/Canada west coast 2pm PST Wed 15 May
  • US/Canada east coast 5pm EDT Wed 15 May
  • London 10pm BST Wed 15 May
  • Europe 11pm CEST Wed 15 May
  • Adelaide 6.30am ACST Thu 16 May
  • Sydney 7am AEST Thu 16 May
  • Wellington 9am NZST Thu 16 May

What is this? reading group

The second reading group will begin September 2024 and will discuss What is this? Ancient questions for modern minds, by Martine and Stephen Batchelor.

The book is based on a series of talks given by Martine and Stephen Batchelor during a Sŏn (Chan/Zen) retreat in England, What is this? leads us through the practice of radical questioning at the heart of this Korean Buddhist tradition, showing how anyone at all can benefit from this form of radical inquiry today.

Stephen and Martine show how a practice with its origins in China 1000 years ago can meld with insights from the natural sciences, classical and modern western philosophy, Romantic poetry, and early Buddhism.

The group will meet Sundays from 8 September for 14 weeks on Zoom. In addition, there will be a Q&A session with Martine Batchelor after the final session.

Here are the session start times in a range of time zones:

  • Hawaii 8am HST
  • US/Canada west coast 11am PDT
  • US/Canada east coast 2pm EDT
  • London 7pm BST
  • Paris 8pm CEST

For more information and to register

For more info or to register your interest in either of these reading groups, email When you register, you’ll be sent a code giving you 10% off the price of a book – paper or digital – bought through our online store.

Download an excerpt from Revamp from:

Get an excerpt from What is this? from:



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