SBN Editor

Robert M. Ellis’ talks on his book, ‘The Buddha’s Middle Way’
In a series of seven talks based on his book, 'The Buddha’s Middle Way: Experiential Judgement in his Life and Teaching', Robert M. Ellis puts forward an interpretation of the Buddha as a potential inspiration for Middle Way practice, led by practical needs rather than by traditional or historical claims in Buddhism.
Reimagining Community newsletter #21 June 2021
Welcome to our June 2021 newsletter. This month we highlight new articles by Richard Winters and Mike Slott, a report on the book launches for Winton Higgins's collection of essays on secular Buddhism, and a review of Winton's book by Alex Carr.
Book launches for Winton Higgins’s new book on secular Buddhism
Beginning 19 May 2021, four book launches were held to introduce Winton Higgins's new book, Revamp: writings on secular Buddhism. The book is published by Tuwhiri and consists of a collection of essays on various topics related to secular Buddhism. 
SBN’s online discussion group
The Secular Buddhist Network is sponsoring an online group which meets the third Thursday of each month on Zoom. It's a great opportunity for secular Buddhists and those who are interested in learning more about a secular approach to the dharma to connect with each other and to discuss key issues.
Reimagining Community newsletter #20 May 2021
Welcome to our May 2021 newsletter. This month we highlight new articles by Stefano Bettera and Bernat Font, book launches for Winton Higgins's new book on secular Buddhism, and a review of Lenore Lambert's The Buddha for Modern Minds by Winton.  We also ask our readers to help support the SBN website and this newsletter.
Stephen Batchelor and Ruth Ozeki on Buddhism and Creativity
As part of the 30th anniversary celebration of Tricycle magazine, Stephen Batchelor and Ruth Ozeki discussed the role of creativity in their work and in the dharma. They both emphasized that creativity depends on cultivating a sense of inner openness and relaxation, a loosening of attachment to a fixed notion of the self.
Reimagining Community newsletter #19 April 2021
Welcome to our April 2021 newsletter. This month we highlight new articles by Dan Nixon and Mike Slott, the latest issue of the Creative Dharma newsletter, and the print publication of Lenorë Lambert's new book on secular Buddhism.
Reimagining Community newsletter #18 March 2021
Welcome to our March 2021 newsletter. This month we highlight new articles by John Danvers and Mike Slott, a collaborative photography project for meditators organized by Cameron Macfie, and a new Mindful Feminist Facebook group initiated by Freida Maverick. We also note the second meeting of SBN's monthly online group and the publication of Lenorë Lambert's new book on secular Buddhism.
Reimagining Community newsletter #17 February 2021
Welcome to our February 2021 newsletter. This month we highlight a new book by Lenorë Lambert on secular Buddhism, the first meeting of the SBN online group, and a new article by Winton Higgins. We also note a new Bodhi College course taught by Stephen Batchelor, a secular program for Buddhist recovery from Dave Smith, and a virtual townhall for readers of the newsletter, Creative Dharma.
SBN’s online group meets for the first time
The Secular Buddhist Network online group held its first meeting  21 January.  41 people participated in the Zoom meeting from nine countries: Costa Rica, Ireland, the UK, New Zealand, France, Australia, Germany, Canada, and the U.S. During the meeting, the participants shared their practice and perspectives with each other as we explored the relevance of secular Buddhism in our lives.
Reimagining Community newsletter #16 January 2021
Welcome to our January 2021 newsletter. This month we highlight new articles by Linda Modaro, Stefano Bettera, and Mike Slott, as well as an interview with David Edwards, a UK-based media critic. We also note the publication of a new book from Tuwhiri, a publishing imprint created by secular Buddhists, and the first meeting of a new online group for secular Buddhists.
An interview with David Edwards on corporate media bias, political activism, and meditation
SBN interviewed David Edwards, the co-editor of the UK-based media watch site Media Lens and author of several books. David discussed his critique of corporate media bias and how political activists can make a real difference by focusing on being, not just on doing; on learning to truly live and feel, rather than solely on external change.
Reimagining Community newsletter #15 December 2020
Welcome to our December 2020 newsletter. This month we announce a new online group for secular Buddhists. We also highlight the continuing debate between Seth Zuihō Segall and Winton Higgins on secular Buddhism, an interview with Robert Wright, a new dharma talk by Stephen Batchelor,  and the Spring 2021 SBN course on After Buddhism: exploring a secular dharma.
Seth Zuihō Segall and Winton Higgins debate the meaning and value of secular Buddhism
Beginning with Seth Zuihō Segall's article, 'Why I am not a secular Buddhist,' Seth and Winton Higgins have engaged in a dialogue on SBN about the meaning and value of secular Buddhism. They have discussed the notion of secularity, religion and religious experience, the role of community, and other key issues.
Stephen Batchelor on a ‘Secular Perspective on the Eightfold Path’
In a dharma talk given to the Community Meditation Center (New York City, USA), Stephen Batchelor discussed a secular perspective on the Noble Eightfold Path.