Welcome to our October 2024 newsletter.
This month we feature new articles by Jourdan Arensen, Nelly Kaufer, Ramsey Margolis, and Linda Modaro. We also highlight a new book on mindful solidarity, the merger of two secular Buddhist groups, and a one day, online seminar on secular dharma offered by Bodhi College.
I Try To Be Buddhist Just Like We’re All Newtonians
Jourdan Arensen argues that the Buddha's teachings are not cosmic truths. Instead, they provide us with a set of prescriptions for how to live ethically and cultivate well-being.
Secular Buddhist Association to Merge with the Secular Buddhist Network
We are pleased to announce that the Secular Buddhist Association (SBA) has begun a process of merging with the Secular Buddhist Network (SBN).
In the initial phase of the merger, SBN will be sponsoring SBA's Practice Circle, a meditation group which meets twice a month on Sunday night. Click here if you are interested in this group.
Over the course of fifteen years and 337 episodes, SBA's founder Ted Meissner interviewed on his podcast, The Secular Buddhist, key figures in secular Buddhism, such as Stephen Batchelor, and other prominent Buddhist writers and teachers. You can access Ted’s podcasts by clicking here.
Mindful Solidarity – an idea whose time has come?
Ramsey Margolis discusses Mindful Solidarity, a new book by Mike Slott. In the book Slott argues that there is a need to integrate mindfulness with political activism and the ethical values of compassion and care.
Is your experience true?
Linda Modaro and Nelly Kaufer discuss how reflective meditation encourages the capacities of being truthful, genuine, and honest about our experiences, and highlight an upcoming retreat after the November election.
‘In the coming months, I expect the police at my door. I’m terrified.’
Ramsey Margolis highlights the courageous stance of Thai human rights activist Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal, whose publishing company is bringing out a Thai translation of Winton Higgins' book on secular Buddhism, Revamp.
One Day, Online Seminar on Secular Dharma - 19 October
Bodhi College is offering a day-long online seminar on 19 October which explores the question: what is secular dharma? The instructors are Martine Batchelor and Bernat Font.
The seminar will focus on usisng the tools of mindfulness to cultivate meditation in daily life and explore a secular take on the three characteristics that orient us to caring and engaging with this transient, imperfect world, rather than wanting to transcend it.
The day includes presentations from the teachers, group discussions and guided meditation practices.
Connect with the Secular Buddhist Network
Looking for a sangha? - To facilitate the development of local sanghas, SBN has established a listing for individuals looking to meet others in their geographical area. When you join the listing, you'll have access to a private listing of individuals who are seeking sangha-mates.
SBN's monthly discussion group - Meets the third Thursday of each month on Zoom. It’s a great opportunity for secular Buddhists and those who are interested in learning more about a secular approach to the dharma to connect with each other and to discuss key issues.
Sunday morning meditation group - Meets every Sunday at 11 am US Eastern Time on Zoom. After brief meditation instructions, we meditate silently for 30 minutes, followed by a period of sharing our experiences with each other.
Sunday evening Practice Circle - A long-time offering of the Secular Buddhist Association, meets the 2nd and 4th Sunday every month, 8:00 p.m. Central Time (9:00 p.m. Eastern).Sunday. Silent meditation guided by a facilitator followed by a period of discussion.

SBN reading groups - SBN sponsors two reading groups. Book, article, video and podcast selections for both groups focus on topics related to secular Buddhism and the aim of the discussion is to explore the topics while seeking to apply them meaningfully to our daily lives.
Exploring aging from a secular Buddhist perspective - Meets the second and last Monday of each month on Zoom. The group shares experiences of aging and how we can use our practice to respond skillfully to the process of aging.
Secular Dharma and Political Activism - Meets the first Friday of every month on Zoom. This discussion group is for those who wish to share their experiences of and discuss new possibilities for bringing secular Buddhist ideas, ethics, and practices to community groups and political movements.
Secular Buddhist Zen Pub - Meets every Saturday, 11 am US Eastern Time on Zoom. A weekly drop-in which will reward participants with dharma insights and practical applications (including friendships).
SBN online course on Exploring a secular dharma - Learn about the basic ideas and concepts of secular Buddhism through a free online course.
Upcoming Events, Workshops, and Retreats
SBN's Calendar of Meetings and Courses - A calendar of SBN sponsored discussion and meditation groups, as well as SBN's courses on secular Buddhism.

Upcoming courses and retreats - Click here for a listing of upcoming courses, programs, and retreats of interest for secular Buddhists and socially engaged Buddhists.
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