Welcome to our March 2024 newsletter.
This month we feature new articles by Kirk Mason and Tina Sideris. We also highlight a half day meditation retreat sponsored by SBN and a video presentation on Navigating the Artifical Intelligence Explosion with Buddhist Wisdom. Finally, we offer resources for mindful communication in these challenging times.
A feminist ethics of care and secular Buddhism
Tina Sideris discusses the meaning and practice of care by considering how the feminist ethics of care and secular Buddhist concepts enhance each other.
Secular Humanist Buddhism
Kirk Mason argues that secular humanist Buddhism, a synthesis of secular humanism and secular Buddhism, weaves together secular humanism's emphasis on reason, ethics, and human values with secular Buddhism's focus on mindfulness, meditation, and compassion.
SBN’s half-day online meditation retreat
The Secular Buddhist Network (SBN) held a half-day, online meditation retreat on 4 February 2024. Unlike most traditional meditation retreats that are led by one or several teachers, who give meditation instructions and dharma talks, SBN's retreat was peer-led, with three people providing brief introductions for silent meditation periods.
Navigating the Artificial Intelligence explosion with Buddhist wisdom
The Buddhist Insight Network sponsored a presentation on ‘Navigating the Artificial Intelligence Explosion with Buddhist Wisdom’ by Randy Fernando.
Resources for mindful communication
In a polarized society, how can we communicate wisely and compassionately? In this article we offer some valuable resources for mindful communication.
Connect with the Secular Buddhist Network
Looking for a sangha? - To facilitate the development of local sanghas, SBN has established a listing for individuals looking to meet others in their geographical area. When you join the listing, you'll have access to a private listing of individuals who are seeking sangha-mates.
SBN's monthly discussion group - meets the third Thursday of each month on Zoom. It’s a great opportunity for secular Buddhists and those who are interested in learning more about a secular approach to the dharma to connect with each other and to discuss key issues.
Sunday meditation group - meets every Sunday at 11 am US Eastern Time on Zoom. After brief meditation instructions, we meditate silently for 30 minutes, followed by a period of sharing our experiences with each other.

SBN reading group - meets the first Thursday of each month on Zoom. The readings are chosen by the participants and focus on issues related to a secular Buddhism, including basic concepts of a secular approach, meditation, mindfulness, and the relationship between secular Buddhism and traditional Buddhist lineages and practices.
Exploring aging from a secular Buddhist perspective - meets the last Monday of each month on Zoom. The group shares experiences of aging and how we can use our practice to respond skillfully to the process of aging.
Secular Dharma in the Community - meets the first Friday of every month on Zoom. This discussion group is for those who wish to share their experiences of and discuss new possibilities for bringing secular Buddhist ideas, ethics, and practices to community groups, social service organizations, and political movements.
Secular Buddhist Zen Pub - meets every Saturday, 11 am US Eastern Time on Zoom. A weekly drop-in which will reward participants with dharma insights and practical applications (including friendships).
SBN online course on Exploring a secular dharma - Learn about the basic ideas and concepts of secular Buddhism through a free online course.
Upcoming Events, Workshops, and Retreats
SBN's Calendar of Meetings and Courses - A calendar of SBN sponsored discussion and meditation groups, as well as SBN's courses on secular Buddhism.

Upcoming courses and retreats - Click here for a listing of upcoming courses, programs, and retreats of interest for secular Buddhists and socially engaged Buddhists.
Self-Retreat with Others: a Reflective Meditation Retreat - 26 April to 29 April (online)
Linda Modaro and Nelly Kaufer are leading this online meditation retreat. Usually on retreat the parameters of what is conducive and acceptable are orchestrated by the teacher and tradition. On this retreat you will discern what is best for you– how much effort, how much discipline, how much to sequester yourself from your usual activities, and connections with other people on-line and in-person? How much meditation, how much exercise, how to best reflect? If you are new to Reflective Meditation we offer a warm welcome to this retreat. People come to Buddhist teachings through many different doors. Reflective Meditation supports you to find your own path, along with others who travel beside you. For more information, click here.
If you are on Facebook, we would be grateful if you would 'like' and 'share' any item in this newsletter that you think is valuable or the newsletter itself. Look out for Secular Buddhist Network on Facebook.
One Reply to “Rethinking the Dharma / Reimagining Community #54 March 2024”
Dear Tina, only now i came to read your excellent article, thank you so much for bringing all this feminist wisdom to the work that lies ahead. It turns my mind in an optimistic direction. Yesterday i visited our spiritual centre De Roos in Amsterdam for a lunch appointment. Also here i noticed that people became much more attentive and even start spontaneous communication about the man/woman’s roles that we play. I notice everywhere the world is longing and open for new ways of being(s) together. Let’s go for it!